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How to represent a dependency relationship between node and artifact in UML Deployment Diagram?

I have a web application that reads from a file. My application is represented as a node and file as an artifact. Can I use dashed arrow to represent their relationship ?

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  • I never used artifacts as you want but it seems legal.

    Artifact (p654) : An Artifact represents some (usually reifiable) item of information that is used or produced by a software development process or by operation of a system. Examples of Artifacts include model files, source files, scripts, executable files, database tables, development deliverables, word-processing documents, and mail messages.

    A log file is produced by an operation of the system, I guess. Guys, what do you think ?

    And there a stereotype in the standard profile: «Create» : A usage dependency denoting that the client classifier creates instances of the supplier classifier. (p 678)

    So if you want to model that your wbe server creates an instance of LogFile, the following schema should do the job.

    enter image description here

    More remarks:

    • the web server is an execution environment deployed on a node.

    • your web application is an artifact running on the execution environment.