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Drillthrough function in Power BI column chart - show day numbers instead of dates

I have created 2 different column charts in my Power BI report. The charts show the report usage by month and day (Day 1-31) - in this case for October. Only one month can be selected at a time.

I have added a drill-through function to the chart so the user can access a more detailed report. This works fine with the first chart when the Date field is placed under Axis (example: 2017-11-14).

When I instead try to use the Year, Month, Day fields under Axis only the day is being sent through to the drill-through report. For example November 6'th 2017 is being picked up at 6'th of each month. It seems that the drill-though function is only using the lowest level of data.

enter image description here

The first option works fine, however I would like it to look the the chart below where you see the number of each day instead of the entire date.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


This is what the drillthrough filters look like on the drillthrough report page (I have selected November 9'th on the other page):

enter image description here

(År = Year, Månad = Month, Dag = Day)


  • I finally managed to solve the issue:

    I selected the drill down arrow on the right (in the top-left corner of the visualization) to drill down to the lowest level and not the arrow in the middle which I thought did the exact same thing except with more steps.

    Now the drillthrough function works and all the values are passed to the next report!

    enter image description here

    enter image description here