I have a macro which runs an SQL query, which triggers a long slow recalculation of the spreadsheet based on the new data. When it finishes I've used application.speech
to alert me if certain conditions have been met; all this works fine. But:
As I said, the recalculation can take quite a while, so I sometimes lock Windows and go do something else while I wait. Does anyone know of a way to pause the macro so that it doesn't run the last few lines (i.e. the audio alerts) until Windows is unlocked?
Before you call Application.speech you could check if the system is locked and if it is locked you repeat the check every minute until it is unlocked. Code if a system is locked
Sub SystemLocked()
Do While Check_If_Locked = "Locked"
Application.Wait TimeValue("00:00:01")
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
Code for Check_If_Locked can be found here https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/microsoft-access/646623-check-if-system-locked-unlocked-using-vba.html