In sys.filegroups i see all the filegroups (main and filestram9 of my database, in particular this query gives me the name of the filegroup:
select name from sys.filegroups where type = 'FD'
I would like to get the Filename of that filegroup, for a filestream filegroup the filename is the physical path on disc in which filestream data is stored and it is visible from management studio by selecting the database properties and then navigating to the File section.
The follolwing query should give you the value you are looking for
DECLARE @full_path VARCHAR(1000)
SET @full_path =
(SELECT physical_name
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE name =
(SELECT name
FROM sys.filegroups
WHERE type = 'FD'))
SELECT LEFT(@full_path,LEN(@full_path) -
charindex('\',reverse(@full_path),1) + 1) [FileStreamPath]