What is the difference in class coupling if you use these 3 types of usages:
Case 1
use UserRepository
Case 2
Case 3
public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository)
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
Is there any reason to prefer one over the other?
I feel as though the constructor option is the best way to go, but I find myself in question when I need to include 3 services and 3 repositories in the controller which then very soon escalates to 6 parameters in constructor.
EDIT - Case 4
What about when you're using a facade instead?
EDIT - Case 5
What about when you specify it as \UserRepository
First of all, the idea of the Repository is to have an Interface (UserRepositoryInterface) and classes that implement it (MySQLUserRepository, RedisUserRepository). It gives you a quick way to change the storage of users through your DI container by calling an interface:
public function __construct(UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository)
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
And changing it to any implementation in the DI container.
Let's say you have a Controller with 10 actions.
Case 1 Is not the OOP way, because the call doesn't go through the DI container at all.
Case 2 is actually OK, but you'll have to call the App facade in every action. It's not really beautiful.
Case 3 gives you only one place to create/change/configure the class.
E.g. you need to do something like:
public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository)
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
A lot of repositories in constructor is actually ok, however if the code fills gross to you, you can extract it to a Service class.
UPDATE By Service class I mean a class that doesn't extends anything and contains the business logic.
Further reading: https://m.dotdev.co/design-pattern-service-layer-with-laravel-5-740ff0a7b65f
Case 4. Facades, in my opinion, are suitable for something more global. Why would you want to populate each repository with a facade? Too time consuming.
Case 5. Didn't get the question. You mean put it to the root namespace? What does it change?