Search code examples

Structured Data ( - openingHours for EducationalOrganization

I'm just about to expand my templates with attributes and have the following question. With which property can I specify the opening hours for the type EducationalOrganization? Unfortunately, the openingHours property is not available here. In addition, there is no type similar to the EducationalOrganization type.

Here is the current state of my code:

<div itemscope itemtype="" class="ce_text address block">
    <div class="text_container">
                <strong itemprop="name"><?php echo $this->field('company')->value(); ?></strong><br>
        <p itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="address">
            <span itemprop="streetAddress">
                <?php echo $this->field('street')->value(); ?><br>
            <span itemprop="postalCode">
                <?php echo $this->field('zipcode')->value(); ?>
            <span itemprop="addressLocality">
                <?php echo $this->field('place')->value(); ?>
            Aus dem Ausland: <span itemprop="telephone"><?php echo $this->field('phone_foreign')->value(); ?></span><br>
            Fax: <span itemprop="telephone"><?php echo $this->field('fax')->value(); ?></span>
        <p itemscope itemtype="??????"> <!-- What type can I use here? -->
            Montag bis Donnerstag: <meta itemprop="openingHours" content="Mo-Th 08:00-18:00"><?php echo $this->field('mothu')->value(); ?><br>
            Freitag: <meta itemprop="openingHours" content="Fr 08:00-15:00"><?php echo $this->field('fri')->value(); ?>
        </p> <!-- Öffnungszeiten Ende -->

What type can I use in this case to use the itemprop="openingHours" property or is there another workarount, if this is not possible?


I have chosen this solution in the meantime. It is read out cleanly by Google and makes more sense in the case of our company.

    <div itemscope itemtype="">
        Montag bis Donnerstag: <?php echo $this->field('mothu')->value(); ?><br>
        Freitag: <?php echo $this->field('fri')->value(); ?>
        <div itemprop="hoursAvailable" itemscope itemtype="">
            <link itemprop="dayOfWeek" href="" />
            <time itemprop="opens" content="08:00:00"></time>
            <time itemprop="closes" content="18:00:00"></time>
        <div itemprop="hoursAvailable" itemscope itemtype="">
            <link itemprop="dayOfWeek" href="" />
            <time itemprop="opens" content="08:00:00"></time>
            <time itemprop="closes" content="18:00:00"></time>
        <div itemprop="hoursAvailable" itemscope itemtype="">
            <link itemprop="dayOfWeek" href="" />
            <time itemprop="opens" content="08:00:00"></time>
            <time itemprop="closes" content="18:00:00"></time>
        <div itemprop="hoursAvailable" itemscope itemtype="">
            <link itemprop="dayOfWeek" href="" />
            <time itemprop="opens" content="08:00:00"></time>
            <time itemprop="closes" content="18:00:00"></time>
        <div itemprop="hoursAvailable" itemscope itemtype="">
            <link itemprop="dayOfWeek" href="" />
            <time itemprop="opens" content="08:00:00"></time>
            <time itemprop="closes" content="15:00:00"></time>


  • Create something similar:

    <main itemscope itemtype="">
    <h1 itemprop="name">Name of Organization</h1>
    <section itemprop=contactPoint itemscope itemtype=>  
      <h2>Opening hours</h2>
         <meta itemprop="hoursAvailable" content="Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su 09:00-14:00">
        <p>Normally open daily <time datetime="09:00">9am</time>-<time datetime="14:00">2pm</time></p>

    Check the structured data on this Google tool and set the required data. Hope this helps.