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Vue-Router: $router.go(-1) doesn't work in Safari

I have the following setup in the App.vue:

    <router-view v-bind="{isOnline}"></router-view>

And in the top-nav's js I have the goBack method:

methods: {
    goBack() {

This works just fine in Chrome and Internet Explorer, not Safari though. When debugging and setting a breakpoint on that .go(-1)-line it hits the breakpoint and everything looks fine (nothing undefined). The navigation call isn't done though.

This doesn't work on mobile nor desktop. I thought Safari had support for the History API?


  • I found out that the icon I used for going back was wrapped in an anchor tag with a set href attribute.

    <a v-if="showBackButton" href="#" @click="goBack">
        <i class="icon icon-200-chevron-left-small"></i>


    Change the anchor tag to a span or something and of course remove the href attribute.