I am attempting to deploy a Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/environments resource which will contain a Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks resource and a Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets resource. I have those resources defined in an ARM template on my local machine (I do not have access to a private github or vsts to add as a repo to my DevTestLab).
I am wondering if it is possible to specify the path to my local ARM template as the armTemplateId for the Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/environments deploymentProperties?
I can't seem to find any other way to specify my ARM template for use in creating the Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/environments resource.
Any help is greatly appreciated
AFAIK, Azure DevTest Labs only support environments from a repository. It must be in a repo, not on the local machine.
You may create a feedback item here for this feature.