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.NET Delegate weird optimization

While browsing through the .NET Reference source I found the following piece of code, copied from,196.

    public static Delegate Combine(Delegate a, Delegate b)
        if ((Object)a == null) // cast to object for a more efficient test
            return b;

        return  a.CombineImpl(b);

Notice the cast to (Object) which is weird. The reason this is done I'm assuming is not to use to use the == operator override of Delegate but the one from Object. However when browsing the code of Object I cannot find the definition of ==.

Question is then:

== on Object, where is it defined, what's it behavior?


  • From docs:

    For reference types other than string, == returns true if its two operands refer to the same object.

    // Reference equality: different objects, 
    // same boxed value: False.
    object s = 1;
    object t = 1;
    Console.WriteLine(s == t);