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jQuery: hover (mouseleave event fired when mouse is over child)

I want to create a zoom effect on some thumbs.

Here is my javascript simplified code :

   parent.stop().animate({/* css */}, inputZoomDuration, "linear");
   wrapper.stop().animate({/* css */}, inputZoomDuration, "linear");
   child.stop().animate({/* css */}, inputZoomDuration, "linear");
  child.stop().animate({/* css */}, 140, "linear");
  wrapper.stop().animate({/* css */}, 140, "linear");
  parent.stop().animate({/* css */}, 140, "linear");

and the html is like :

<div parent>
 <div wrapper>
  <div child>


I increase the size of all my divs when I over the "parent". But a soon as I over (or leave, btw) one of the child, the alert appears. Without the alert, the result is a very bugy animation. Is there any way to prevent the mouseleave event to be fired when a child is overed?

Best regards,


Edit : Here is the greasemonkey script : and a link to test it : We can see in the console that the mouseleave event is trigerred when I leave the orange div, unlike this example : where the event is not fired when I leave the red div.


  • After some investigations, it seems that the problem comes from greasemonkey. Here is what the wiki said :

    Some versions of jQuery will not run inside the Greasemonkey sandbox. As of this writing, 1.3.2 does work, but 1.4.1 does not. It is possible to patch 1.4 versions of jQuery to work, see jQuery Forum: Importing jQuery 1.4.1 into greasemonkey scripts generates an error

    However, all versions 1.4.x patched of jQuery still don't work in my specific hover case AND only with greasemonkey (indeed, I test the same script in jsFiddle, and that works with jQuery 1.4.4).

    To solve the problem, I simply use jQuery 1.3.2 (and of course, I have to adapt my code a bit).