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handling notification time with sensu

I'm using Sensu for alerting. If anything goes wrong with any of service then it would trigger the alert and send us notification mail.

I've just come across one document where I can change the notification time outside business hours, this is the document I was referring to.

I've created filter rule, /etc/sensu/conf.d/filters/nine_to_fiver.json

    "filters": {
      "nine_to_fiver": {
        "negate": false,
        "attributes": {
          "timestamp": "eval: [1,2,3,4,5].include?( &&,17)"

After making this change, I reloaded sensu-client deamon on client side but I'm still getting notification on mail ID. Is there anything wrong with filter rules ? Or Am I missing anything ?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Filters must be applied on the Sensu Server, not the Sensu Client. Furthermore, the filter must reside server-side and the handler must be configured to apply the filter.

    Alternatively, you might be able to get a little fancy with the when filter field.