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working with typescript services and observables: why won't my event handler run?

I'm working with an Angular 2 project. I'm trying to work with observables and services in typescript. I am firing an event but the event handler in my observable is not running.

Here is my code:

The Service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';

export class AllDataPageService {

    receptorFilterChanged$ = new Subject<any>();


The service consist of one event: receptorFilterChanged.

Here is the component that fires the event (located at ~\src\results\app\all-data-page)

import { AllDataPageService } from './all-data-page.service';


    selector: 'all-data-page',
    templateUrl: './all-data-page.component.html',
    styles: [require('./')],
    providers: [AllDataPageService]
export class AllDataPageComponent implements OnInit {


    constructor(private allDataPageService: AllDataPageService) {}


filterByReceptorTag() {







So it's the line this.allDataPageService.receptorFilterChanged$.next(50.0) in the function filterByReceptorTag() above that fires the event. I have confirmed in the Chrome debugger that this line executes.

Here is the component that handles the receptorFilterChanged event (located at ~\src\results\app\shared\components\all-data-row)

import { AllDataPageService } from '../../../all-data-page/all-data-page.service';


  selector: 'all-data-row',
  templateUrl: './all-data-row.component.html',
  styles: [ require('./') ],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  providers: [AllDataPageService]
export class AllDataRowComponent implements OnInit {


  constructor(private allDataPageService: AllDataPageService) {
          (value) => {





When the receptorFilterChanged fires, the event handler that I subscribe above does not run.

Can anyone see what might be going on?



  • Your "AllDataPageService" is scoped to both the AllDataPageComponent and also the AllDataRowComponent. That means each of these components gets a new instance of that AllDataPageService service.

    You should remove the

    providers: [AllDataPageService]

    from each of your components and move it to a "Module" instead. That way, you'll only have one instance of your service so they'll be able to talk to each other.