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How to pass already stored data in the database each time the website is run in ASP.NET MVC?

How to pass already stored data in the database each time the website is run in MVC?? I have a controller with methods, i want it to be executed for the already stored data each time i run the application. Also is there any way to change in such a way that this stored data get passed into the controller in a timely manner. Say i want this stored data to be passed into the methods in controller every five minutes once.


  • What you need is something like a cache singleton.


    public interface IMyStuff{
     string VeryImportantStringHere {get;}
    public MyStuff :IMyStuff {
    public string VeryImportantStringHere => {
        var cached = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(nameof(VeryImportantStringHere));
        if(cached != null) // might need to store something else if you could have nulls in db
             return cached ;
        cached = .... // retrieved from DB however you do it -, Linq2Sql, EF etc...
        Cache.Insert(nameof(VeryImportantStringHere), cached , null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

    Then in your controller, using any DI:

    public controller MyController : Controller{
    private IMyStuff _ms;
    public MyController(IMyStuff ms)
        _ms = ms;
    public ActionResult Whatever(){
        var cached = _ms.VeryImportantStringHere; // cached now has the value.
        return View();