I have planned to customize the testNG reports. So I have used ExtentReports with the below codes.
Selenium runs properly without any issues but the report is not generated in the specified folder location.
I have added ExtentReport 2.41.2 maven dependency in my pom.xml file.
Sample Code:
public class ExtentA
public static ExtentReports extent;
public static ExtentTest logger;
public static WebDriver driver;
public void config()
extent = new ExtentReports("E:/Automation/MyReport.html", true);
extent.loadConfig(new File("E:/Automation/extentreports-java-2.41.2/extentreports-java-2.41.2/extent-config.xml"));
public void beforeMtd(Method method)
logger = extent.startTest("sample", "test case desc");
public void sample()
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:/selenium/drivers/chromedriver.exe");
driver = new ChromeDriver();
logger.log(LogStatus.PASS, "Browser Launched successfully");
System.out.println("Browser launched");
public void close()
Before running the test case, I have created the html file in loca, but the report is not generated.
Add extent.flush();
to the end of your close method.