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Custom Splash Screen size - Tabris-JS

I've searched around questions but I didn't find anything.

I'm new to Tabris-JS framework, is very powerful and simple but I have some issue with the Splash Screen.

As mentioned in this commit, in Tabris-JS 2.x there are two theme options: one light theme, and the other dark theme. But they both have margin around the image.

The result is this (behind the image there is the 'dark gray' background):

enter image description here

I try to search for the correct Activity that is responsable for the Launcher, but I'm not good in Java.

PS: Splash Screen images are all correctly generated, with online tools for all screen sizes.


  • Per the Tabris.js issue tracker, the solution is to theme the android app with a color background on splash, and assume that the splash screen image will be centered.

    Since iOS has a more finite number of resolutions this shouldn't be an issue and the regular Cordova splash screen configuration applies.