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Ambari-Update failed (Ambari 2.4 to 2.6) - Hadoop services won't start anymore

I just worked through this Upgrade guide for the Hortonworks Data Platform:

I did all the steps as described in section 1 - 4 (Ambari upgrade). But now I have the problem, that my services won't start anymore!

enter image description here

Ambari can find all hosts, but they won't start!

E.g. for the HDFS starting I got the following error message:

2017-11-13 19:41:11,427 - Unable to load available packages
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 771, in load_available_packages
    self.available_packages_in_repos = pkg_provider.get_available_packages_in_repos(repos)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/providers/package/", line 85, in get_available_packages_in_repos
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/providers/package/", line 146, in _get_available_packages
    return self._lookup_packages(cmd, 'Available Packages')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/providers/package/", line 191, in _lookup_packages
    if items[i + 2].find('@') == 0:
IndexError: list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HDFS/", line 73, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 367, in execute
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 930, in restart
  File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HDFS/", line 35, in install
    import params
  File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HDFS/", line 25, in <module>
    from params_linux import *
  File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HDFS/", line 391, in <module>
    lzo_packages = get_lzo_packages(stack_version_unformatted)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/functions/", line 45, in get_lzo_packages
    lzo_packages += [script_instance.format_package_name("hadooplzo_${stack_version}"),
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 538, in format_package_name
    raise Fail("Cannot match package for regexp name {0}. Available packages: {1}".format(name, self.available_packages_in_repos))
resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Cannot match package for regexp name hadooplzo_${stack_version}. Available packages: []

(I think the most important part is the message resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Cannot match package for regexp name hadooplzo_${stack_version}. Available packages: [] which looks like there would be no version (package) available...!

I just saw, that I upgraded also the Ambari Metrics Monitor, Ambari Metrics Hadoop Sink and the Metrics Collector before starting the Services once (the manual is a little bit confusing here, see step 4.3.3)! Was this a mistake?

I tried to upgrade from Ambari 2.4 to Ambari 2.6 (HDP 2.5 installed)! Operating system is CentOS 7.

However, I need to reset / downgrade the Ambari or upgrade the Services to be able to start them again! Can someone help? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!


  • Finally I was able to downgrade my Ambari installation back to version 2.4.2 as it was before starting the upgrade process.

    To make a downgrade you have to do the following steps on the appropriate nodes:

    # delete the new ambari repo file
    rm /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
    # download the old ambari repo file (for me version 2.4.2), as described in ambari installation guide (here for Centos 7)
    wget -nv -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
    yum clean all
    yum repolist
    # check for the correct version (e.g. 2.4.2) of the Ambari repo
    # Downgrade all components to this version
    yum downgrade ambari-metrics-monitor
    yum downgrade ambari-metrics-hadoop-sink
    yum downgrade ambari-agent

    Afterwards I upgraded again, but to Ambari version, which now worked without a problem. I also was able to upgrade my HDP installation to version via this Ambari version.

    I will skip Ambari 2.6.0 and will try to upgrade Ambari with a later future release.