I'm trying to prune the rules that created by apriori algorithm for groceries dataset but getting one error
Using R 3.4.2 and RStudio (Version 1.1.383)
Imported libraries
I have created the rules
rules <- apriori(Groceries, parameter = list(supp =0.001,
conf = 0.5,
target = "rules"))
Started pruning redundant rules
rules.sorted = sort(rules, by="lift")
subset.matrix <- is.subset(rules.sorted, rules.sorted)
While coverting lower triangle of the matrix to NA I got one warning
subset.matrix[lower.tri(subset.matrix, diag=T)] = NA
Warning message:
In `[<-`(`*tmp*`, as.vector(i), value = NA) :
x[.] <- val: x is “ngTMatrix”, val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced; NA |--> TRUE
Then tried to identify redundant rules
redundant <- colSums(subset.matrix, na.rm=T) >= 1
Finally pruned rules
rules.pruned = rules.sorted[!redundant]
But while inspecting it showing nothing
Even summary of rules.pruned showing "zero" 0 rules
I guess the error mainly due to the warning during conversion of matrix lower triangle to NA values which showed a warning
How to overcome the warning?
returns since version 1.5-2 a sparse matrix (see package NEWS). If you want to use your code then you need to use:
subset.matrix <- is.subset(rules.sorted, rules.sorted, sparse = FALSE)
however, that is very inefficient and only works for very small rule sets. Use is.redundant()
instead to find redundant rules.