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Jenkins user is gone after macOS update

I'm running Jenkins as a CI server on a Mac. It was running fine on macOS 10.12 with the typical setup with user jenkins.

Today I upgraded macOS to 10.13 (High Sierra). Jenkins could not start after the upgrade process completed. Furthermore, there was no user jenkins on the system. All Jenkins files are there, but there is no jenkins user in Settings -> Users & Groups. If I try to use jenkins user in Terminal, for instance if I try to change file ownership to jenkins with chown, I get:

chown: jenkins: illegal user name

How do I fix this?


  • I've managed to re-create jenkins user by extracting the script commands that create it from Jenkins installation. I ran this script in particular:

    if dscl . -list /Users/jenkins; then
        echo 'jenkins user already exists, attempting to change the shell to /bin/bash'
        # Will fail if UserShell is not /usr/bin/false, but that's ok.
        # Then we will assume an admin has changed it.
        dscl . -change /Users/jenkins UserShell /usr/bin/false /bin/bash
        echo 'No jenkins user found, creating jenkins user and group'
    # Find free uid under 500
        uid=$(dscl . -list /Users uid | sort -nrk 2 | awk '$2 < 500 {print $2 + 1; exit 0}')
        if [ $uid -eq 500 ]; then
            echo 'ERROR: All system uids are in use!'
            exit 1
        echo "Using uid $uid for jenkins"
        while dscl -search /Groups gid $gid | grep -q $gid; do
            echo "gid $gid is not free, trying next"
            gid=$(($gid + 1))
        echo "Using gid $gid for jenkins"
        dscl . -create /Groups/jenkins PrimaryGroupID $gid
        dscl . -create /Users/jenkins UserShell /bin/bash
        dscl . -create /Users/jenkins Password '*'
        dscl . -create /Users/jenkins UniqueID $uid
        dscl . -create /Users/jenkins PrimaryGroupID $gid
        dscl . -create /Users/jenkins NFSHomeDirectory "$JENKINS_HOMEDIR"
        dscl . -append /Groups/jenkins GroupMembership jenkins
    # identify the real default group name for user jenkins
    groupid=`dscl . read /Users/jenkins PrimaryGroupID | awk '{print $2}'`
    gname=`id -n -g $groupid`
    echo "Using jenkins:${gname} as file owner and group for jenkins daemon files"
    find "$JENKINS_HOMEDIR" \( -not -user jenkins -or -not -group ${gname} \) -print0 | xargs -0 chown jenkins:${gname}
    # Add defaults for heap sizing
    arch=$(uname -m)
    if [ $arch = 'x86_64' ]; then
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST heapSize 512m
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST permGen 512m
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST minHeapSize 256m
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST minPermGen 256m
        # i386
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST heapSize 128m
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST permGen 128m
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST minHeapSize 64m
        defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST minPermGen 64m    
    defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST httpPort 8080
    # Set tmpdir
    defaults write $DEFAULTS_PLIST tmpdir $JENKINS_TMPDIR
    mkdir -p $JENKINS_TMPDIR
    chown jenkins:${gname} $JENKINS_TMPDIR
    # Create log directory, which can be written by Jenkins daemon
    mkdir -p /var/log/jenkins
    chown jenkins:${gname} /var/log/jenkins