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caffe2 Tensor<CUDAContext> assignment, construction or copy

This is a long shot, if you think the question is too localized, please do vote to close. I have searched on the caffe2 github repository, opened an issue asking the same question, opened another issue at the caffe2_ccp_tutorials repository because its author seems to understand it best, read the doxygen documentation on caffe2::Tensor and caffe2::CUDAContext, and even gone through the caffe2 source code, and in specific the tensor.h, context_gpu.h and

I understand that currently caffe2 does not allow copying device memory to a tensor. I am willing to expand the library and do a pull request in order to achieve this. My reason behind this is that I do all image pre-processing using cv::cuda::* methods which operate on device memory, and as such I think it is clearly a problem doing the pre-processing on the gpu, only to download the result back on the host, and then have it re-uploaded to the network from host to device.

Looking at the constructors of Tensor<Context> I can see that maybe only

template<class SrcContext , class ContextForCopy > 
Tensor (const Tensor< SrcContext > &src, ContextForCopy *context)

might achieve what I want, but I have no idea how to set the <ContextForCopy> and then use it for construction.

Furthermore, I see that I can construct the Tensor with the correct dimensions, and then maybe using

template <typename T>
T* mutable_data()

I can assign/copy the data. The data itself is stored in std::vector<cv::cuda::GpuMat, so I will have to iterate it, and then use either cuda::PtrStepSz or cuda::PtrStep to access the underlying device allocated data. That is the same data that I need to copy/assign into the caffe2::Tensor<CUDAContext>.

I've been trying to find out how internally the Tensor<CPUContext> is copied to Tensor<CUDAContext> since I've seen examples of it, but I can't figure it out, although I think the method used is CopyFrom. The usual examples as already mentioned, copy from CPU to GPU:

TensorCPU tensor_cpu(...);
TensorCUDA tensor_cuda = workspace.CreateBlob("input")->GetMutable<TensorCUDA>();

I am quite suprised nobody has run into this task yet, and a brief search yields only one open issue where the author (@peterneher) is asking the same thing more or less.


  • I have managed to figure this out. The simplest way is to tell OpenCV which memory location to use. This can be done by using the 7th and 8th overload of the cv::cuda::GpuMat constructor shown below:

    cv::cuda::GpuMat::GpuMat(int    rows,
                             int    cols,
                             int    type,
                             void *     data,
                             size_t     step = Mat::AUTO_STEP 
    cv::cuda::GpuMat::GpuMat(Size   size,
                             int    type,
                             void *     data,
                             size_t     step = Mat::AUTO_STEP 

    Doing so implies that the caffe2::TensorCUDA has been declared and allocated beforehand:

    std::vector<caffe2::TIndex> dims({1, 3, 224, 224});
    caffe2::TensorCUDA tensor;
    auto ptr = tensor.mutable_data<float>();
    cv::cuda::GpuMat matrix(224, 224, CV_32F, ptr);

    For example, processing a 3 channel BGR float matrix using cv::cuda::split:

    cv::cuda::GpuMat mfloat;
    // TODO: put your BGR float data in `mfloat`
    auto ptr = tensor.mutable_data<float>();
    size_t width = mfloat.cols * mfloat.rows;
    std::vector<cv::cuda::GpuMat> input_channels {
        cv::cuda::GpuMat(mfloat.rows, mfloat.cols, CV_32F, &ptr[0]),
        cv::cuda::GpuMat(mfloat.rows, mfloat.cols, CV_32F, &ptr[width]),
        cv::cuda::GpuMat(mfloat.rows, mfloat.cols, CV_32F, &ptr[width * 2])
    cv::cuda::split(mfloat, input_channels);

    Hope this will help anyone dwelling into the C++ side of Caffe2.

    NOTE that caffe2::Predictor won't work with caffe2::TensorCUDA, you will have instead to manually propagate the tensor. For more information on this, the caffe2_cpp_tutorial