i want to count how many times tag1 occurs givin this 123.xml file ( streaming from the internet)
<tag1 name=myname>
</tag1 >
<tag1 name=yourname>
</tag1 >
using : xmlstarlet sel -t -v "count(//tag1)" 123.xml
output :
AttValue: " or ' expected attributes construct error
how to ignore that the attribute has no " " ?
You input XML/HTML structure has invalid tags/attributes and should be recovered beforehand:
xmlstarlet fo -o -R -H -D 123.xml 2>/dev/null | xmlstarlet sel -t -v "count(//tag1)" -n
The output:
fo (or format)
- Format XML document(s)-o or --omit-decl
- omit xml declaration -R or --recover
- try to recover what is parsable-D or --dropdtd
- remove the DOCTYPE of the input docs-H or --html
- input is HTML2>/dev/null
- suppress errors/warnings