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MS Access - How to change the linked table path by amend the table

Below query allow me to show all linked table and its corresponding database path

SELECT DISTINCTROW msysobjects.Name, msysobjects.Database, msysobjects.Connect
FROM msysobjects WHERE (((msysobjects.Type)=6 Or (msysobjects.Type) Like "dsn*")) ORDER BY msysobjects.Database;


Name                    Database                             Connect
Account Transactions    C:\Users\Desktop\Database6_be.accdb 
Categories              C:\Users\Desktop\Database6_be.accdb 
Filters                 C:\Users\Desktop\Database6_be.accdb 
tblAuditLog             C:\Users\Desktop\Database6_be.accdb

As i renamed the database for particular 2 tables, while i unable to amend the path. Is there any way i can amend the linked table path by amend the table?


  • Yes, you can either do it through VBA, or through the GUI

    Through the GUI (Access 2010):

    enter image description here

    You can use the following VBA sub to change the connection strings on certain tables (you need to provide both the old and new connection string):

    Public Sub ChangeConnection(OldStr As String, NewStr As String)
        Dim td As DAO.TableDef
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Set db = CurrentDb()
        For Each td In db.TableDefs
            With td
                If .Connect = OldStr Then
                    .Connect = NewStr
                End If
            End With
        Next td
    End Sub

    Or, you can use the following sub to change one specific table

    Public Sub ChangeTableConnection(Tablename As String, NewStr As String)
        Dim td As DAO.TableDef
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Set db = CurrentDb()
        Set td = db.TableDefs(Tablename)
        td.Connect = NewStr
    End Sub