I'm building a Promela model in which one process send a request to N other processes, waits for the replies, and then computes a value. Basically a typical map-reduce style execution flow. Currently my model sends requests in a fixed order. I'd like to generalize this to send a non-deterministic order. I've looked at the select
statement, but that appears to select a single element non-deterministically.
Is there a good pattern for achieving this? Here the basic structure of what I'm working with:
#define NUM_OBJECTS 2
chan obj_req[NUM_OBJECTS] = [0] of { mtype, chan };
This is the object process that responds to msgtype
messages with some value that it computes.
proctype Object(chan request) {
chan reply;
:: request ? msgtype(reply) ->
int value = 23
reply ! value
This is the client. It sends a request to each of the objects in order 0, 1, 2, ...
, and collects all the responses and reduces the values.
proctype Client() {
chan obj_reply = [0] of { int };
int value
for (i in obj_req) {
obj_req[i] ! msgtype(obj_reply)
obj_reply ? value
// do something with value
And I start up the system like this
init {
atomic {
run Object(obj_req[0]);
run Object(obj_req[1]);
run Client();
From your question I gather that you want to assign a task to a given process in a randomised order, as opposed to simply assign a random task to an ordered sequence of processes.
All in all, the solution for both approaches is very similar. I don't know whether the one I am going to propose is the most elegant approach, though.
#define NUM_OBJECTS 10
mtype = { ASSIGN_TASK };
chan obj_req[NUM_OBJECTS] = [0] of { mtype, chan, int };
byte i;
for (i in obj_req) {
run Object(i, obj_req[i]);
run Client();
proctype Client ()
byte i, id;
int value;
byte map[NUM_OBJECTS];
int data[NUM_OBJECTS];
chan obj_reply = [NUM_OBJECTS] of { byte, int };
d_step {
for (i in obj_req) {
map[i] = i;
// scramble task assignment map
for (i in obj_req) {
byte j;
select(j : 0 .. (NUM_OBJECTS - 1));
byte tmp = map[i];
map[i] = map[j];
map[j] = tmp;
// assign tasks
for (i in obj_req) {
obj_req[map[i]] ! ASSIGN_TASK(obj_reply, data[i]);
// out-of-order wait of data
for (i in obj_req) {
obj_reply ? id(value);
printf("Object[%d]: end!\n", id, value);
printf("client ends\n");
proctype Object(byte id; chan request)
chan reply;
int in_data;
:: request ? ASSIGN_TASK(reply, in_data) ->
printf("Object[%d]: start!\n", id)
reply ! id(id)
The idea is have an array
which acts like a map
from the set of indexes to the starting position (or, equivalently, to the assigned task).
The map
is then scrambled through a finite number of swap
operations. After that, each object
is assigned its own task in parallel, so they can all start more-or-less at the same time.
In the following output example, you can see that:
~$ spin test.pml
Object[1]: start!
Object[9]: start!
Object[0]: start!
Object[6]: start!
Object[2]: start!
Object[8]: start!
Object[4]: start!
Object[5]: start!
Object[3]: start!
Object[7]: start!
Object[1]: end!
Object[9]: end!
Object[0]: end!
Object[6]: end!
Object[2]: end!
Object[4]: end!
Object[8]: end!
Object[5]: end!
Object[3]: end!
Object[7]: end!
client ends
#processes: 11
If one wants to assign a random task to each object
rather than starting them randomly, then it suffices to change:
obj_req[map[i]] ! ASSIGN_TASK(obj_reply, data[i]);
obj_req[i] ! ASSIGN_TASK(obj_reply, data[map[i]]);
Obviously, data
should be initialised to some meaningful content first.