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Creating a horizontal bar chart in R to display sequence of activities

The dataset "patients" is an eventlog of patients visiting a clinic and getting treatment. The script below gives a data frame with traces or sequence of activities in the eventlog, trace_id and absolute frequency of the cases following the particular trace. I wish to create a dynamic horizontal bar chart using ggplot2 or plotly such that the traces are represented like the snapshot attached with the absolute frequency in % at the top of the bar with axes labels.

Thanks and please help!

traces(patients, output_traces = T, output_cases = F)

Trace Chart Explorer


  • Hope this helps (I am not able to get frequency however)

    tr <- data.frame(traces(patients, output_traces = T, output_cases = F))
    tr.df <- cSplit(tr, "trace", ",")
    tr.df <- tr.df[,c(1,4:9)]
    tr.df <- melt(tr.df, id.vars = "trace_id")
    ggplot(data = tr.df, aes(x = variable,y = trace_id, fill = value, label = 
    value)) + 
    geom_tile(colour = "white") + 
    geom_text(colour = "white", fontface = "bold", size = 2) +
    scale_fill_discrete(na.value="transparent") +

    enter image description here

    EDIT 1:

    tr <- data.frame(traces(patients, output_traces = T, output_cases = F))
    tr.df <- cSplit(tr, "trace", ",")
    tr.df <- tr.df[,c(1,4:9)]
    tr.df <- melt(tr.df, id.vars = "trace_id")
    tr.df <- tr.df[order(tr.df$trace_id),]
    tr.label <- data.frame(id = tr$trace_id, freq = tr$absolute_frequency)
    tr.label <- tr.label[order(tr.label$id),]
    ggplot(data = tr.df, aes(x = variable,y = trace_id, fill = value, label = value)) + 
    geom_tile(colour = "white") + 
    geom_text(colour = "white", fontface = "bold", size = 2) +
    scale_fill_discrete(na.value="transparent") +
    theme(legend.position="none") + 
    geom_text(data = tr.label, aes(label = freq, y = id, x = 6), nudge_x = 0.3,  
              colour = "black", fontface = "bold", inherit.aes = FALSE) 

    enter image description here