I need to display sales and financial report on HTML web page, reports data should be from iTunesConnect.
Can someone please describe how can i achieve this ?
Need to get data like below iTunes image.
You can use Apple Reporter technique, that provides you data in XML and CSV format.
You need to follow below commands.
(1) Lion:Reporter bv$ java -jar Reporter.jar p=Reporter.properties m=Robot.XML Finance.getReport AppleID, US, Financial, 2016, 10
Successfully downloaded AppleID_0716_US.txt.gz
(2) Lion:Reporter bv$ java -jar Reporter.jar p=Reporter.properties m=Robot.XML Sales.getReport AppleID, US, Financial, 2016, 10
Invalid report type specified. Valid values include: Sales, Newsstand, Pre-order, Cloud, Event, Customer, Content, Station, Control, amEvent, amContent, amControl, amStreams, Subscription and SubscriptionEvent.
(3) Lion:Reporter bv$ java -jar Reporter.jar p=Reporter.properties m=Robot.XML Finance.getReport AppleID, US, Sales, 2016, 10
Invalid report type specified. Valid values include: Financial, Match, Radio, RadioSummary, AppleMusic, AppleMusicSummary, News, and BeatsRadio.
(4) java -jar Reporter.jar p=Reporter.properties m=Robot.XML Sales.getReport AppleID, Sales, Summary, Daily, 20162811
Using (1) Reporter.properties and (2) Reporter.jar files. Make sure to configure Reporter.properties carefully. Like below.
UserId= your apple account email address
Password= your apple account password