Using Xcode 9.1, after building an iOS app, I try to archive it. But I get the following error message:
Provisioning profile "MyAppProfile" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: My Name (X1YZ2AB3CD)".
After looking closer, I see that MyAppProfile is a Distribution Provisioning Profile (this is what I want) and X1YZ2AB3CD matches a Developer certificate.But when building MyAppProfile (for App Store) I was provided with the choice of a unique Distribution certificate (No Developer certificate). So why do I get this message complaining about MyAppProfile not including a Developer certificate. I am kind of lost. Anyone can shed some light here?
In case I give up with manual signing, here is what I get when trying to upload to appStore:
Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "" target's entitlements. Switch to manual signing and resolve the issue by downloading a matching provisioning profile from the developer website. Atlernatively, to continue using automatic signing, remove these entitlements from your entitlements file and their associated functionality from your code. Then rebuild your archive and try again.
Provisioning profile failed qualification Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement.
Remove certificates from your keychain access which doesn't include private keys. I mean the certificates which does not have arrow(play button type) on left side of name.
and then from your xcode
select your team from general and unable automatic code signing and then try!