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mongoimport - treat CSV "Infinity" string literal as string, not as Double value

I am importing data for a client and have noticed that the string literal "Infinity", when it appears in a CSV file, is treated as a Double value rather than an actual string.

This could make sense when the value was not enclosed in quotes, but I believe in this context it should be treated as a string.

Take the following (simplified) CSV input file:


When imported as follows:

mongoimport.exe -v --host localhost:27017 --username admin --password password --authenticationDatabase admin -d "infinity-test" -c "test-data" --file C:\test-data.csv --type csv --headerline

It yields the following result:

MongoDB shell version v3.4.10
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.10
> use infinity-test
switched to db infinity-test
> db.getCollection('test-data').find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a09c48ba7025b2e68885f91"), "ID" : 1, "Name" : Infinity }

The issue is easier to spot in MongoBooster where it gives the field type:

enter image description here

Is there a way to force mongoimport to treat the literal "Infinity" as a string?


  • Just to elaborate on Neil's comment, in MongoDB 3.4, mongoimport accepts --columnsHaveTypes parameter, which specifies the datatype of the field. By default, it guesses the type based on the content.

    The full documentation on possible types is

    For example, you can modify the CSV headerfile to specify that both fields are string instead of numbers:


    and import using mongoimport --type=csv --columnsHaveTypes ...