I am importing data for a client and have noticed that the string literal "Infinity"
, when it appears in a CSV file, is treated as a Double
value rather than an actual string.
This could make sense when the value was not enclosed in quotes, but I believe in this context it should be treated as a string.
Take the following (simplified) CSV input file:
When imported as follows:
mongoimport.exe -v --host localhost:27017 --username admin --password password --authenticationDatabase admin -d "infinity-test" -c "test-data" --file C:\test-data.csv --type csv --headerline
It yields the following result:
MongoDB shell version v3.4.10
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.10
> use infinity-test
switched to db infinity-test
> db.getCollection('test-data').find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a09c48ba7025b2e68885f91"), "ID" : 1, "Name" : Infinity }
The issue is easier to spot in MongoBooster where it gives the field type:
Is there a way to force mongoimport
to treat the literal "Infinity"
as a string?
Just to elaborate on Neil's comment, in MongoDB 3.4, mongoimport
accepts --columnsHaveTypes
parameter, which specifies the datatype of the field. By default, it guesses the type based on the content.
The full documentation on possible types is https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongoimport/#cmdoption-columnshavetypes
For example, you can modify the CSV headerfile to specify that both fields are string instead of numbers:
and import using mongoimport --type=csv --columnsHaveTypes ...