I'm trying to download and unpack zip archive in gulp by using gulp-decompress. But get an error. My gulp task looks like the following:
var request = require('request');
var decompress = require('gulp-decompress');
gulp.task('unzip', function () {
After executing gulp
I'm getting the following error:
if (file.isNull()) {
TypeError: file.isNull is not a function
I tried it with request and got the same error as you. It probably has to be transformed into a readable or writeable stream (fs.) before continuing in the pipeline which I couldn't get to work without spending too much time.
So let me recommend gulp-download which is much simpler than request.
const gulp = require('gulp');
const download = require("gulp-download");
const decompress = require('gulp-decompress');
const url = 'http://my-server-url/files/report.zip';
gulp.task('unzip', function () {
It's pretty simple. I'm sure others could tell you how to get the module request to work if that is necessary.