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Parse into a complex struct with boost::spirit

I have an input encoded with ABNF grammar rules (it is MEGACO protocol):

!/3 []:2134

I want to parse it into a complex struct with boost::spirit, pseudo-code:

        list of param3

It should be noted that the grammar is complex and contains a lot of alternatives, levels and sequences. I am not sure how to create a boost::spirit parser to decode such a message level by level saving necessary values in the process.

Also I am not sure that boost::spirit is the right tool for it.

So how should I do it?

UPDATE: I want to thanks sehe for the great example, still the main task is to populate some structure with the values from the message. The only possible way I see now is to use BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT with a lot of structs using boost::variant for alternative and std::vector for lists of items. Am I right?


  • Ironically, heading over to Appendix B.2 of RFC 3525, and implementing the bulk of it superficially¹ it turns out your sample snippet is invalid.

    It was missing ammParameter, that's not optional as soon as you have the opening {:

    enter image description here

    So, fixing the snippet, here's something to get you started. It's only 850 lines of code because the spec is lengthy:

    Live On Coliru

    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    template <typename It> struct Megaco {
    struct Tokens {
        Tokens() {
            using namespace qi;
            auto SafeChar = copy(alnum | char_("-+&!_/'?@^`~*$\\()%|."));
            auto RestChar = copy(char_(";[]{}:,#<>="));
            auto WSP         = copy(char_(" \t"));
            COMMENT      = ';' >> *(SafeChar | RestChar | WSP | '"') >> (eol|eoi);
            SEP = +(WSP | COMMENT | eol);
            LWSP = *(WSP | COMMENT | eol);
            NAME = raw [ alpha >> repeat(0,63) [alnum|'_'] ];
            // Note - The double-quote character is not allowed in quotedString.
            quotedString = '"' >> *(SafeChar | RestChar | WSP) >> '"';
            VALUE       = quotedString | lexeme[+SafeChar];
            octetString = *("\\}" | char_("\x01-\x7C\x7E-\xFF"));
                    // snipped for Stack Overflow, see Coliru
        using Token = qi::rule<It>;
        Token COMMENT, SEP, LWSP;
        qi::rule<It, std::string()> NAME, quotedString, VALUE, octetString;
        #define TOK(name,long,short) name##Token{qi::no_case[qi::lit(#long)|#short]},
            TOK(Add,Add,A) TOK(Audit,Audit,AT) TOK(AuditCap,AuditCapability,AC) TOK(AuditValue,AuditValue,AV) TOK(Auth,Authentication,AU)
            TOK(Bothway,Bothway,BW) TOK(Brief,Brief,BR) TOK(Buffer,Buffer,BF) TOK(Ctx,Context,C) TOK(ContextAudit,ContextAudit,CA)
            TOK(DigitMap,DigitMap,DM) TOK(Disconnected,Disconnected,DC) TOK(Delay,Delay,DL) TOK(Duration,Duration,DR) TOK(Embed,Embed,EM)
            TOK(Emergency,Emergency,EG) TOK(Error,Error,ER) TOK(EventBuffer,EventBuffer,EB) TOK(Events,Events,E) TOK(Failover,Failover,FL)
            TOK(Forced,Forced,FO) TOK(Graceful,Graceful,GR) TOK(HandOff,HandOff,HO) TOK(ImmAckRequired,ImmAckRequired,IA)
            TOK(Inactive,Inactive,IN) TOK(Isolate,Isolate,IS) TOK(InSvc,InService,IV) TOK(InterruptByEvent,IntByEvent,IBE)
            TOK(InterruptByNewSignalsDescr,IntBySigDescr,IBS) TOK(KeepActive,KeepActive,KA) TOK(Local,Local,L) TOK(LocalControl,LocalControl,O)
            TOK(LockStep,LockStep,SP) TOK(Loopback,Loopback,LB) TOK(Media,Media,M) TOK(Megacop,MEGACO,!) TOK(Method,Method,MT)
            TOK(MgcId,MgcIdToTry,MG) TOK(Mode,Mode,MO) TOK(Modify,Modify,MF) TOK(Modem,Modem,MD) TOK(Move,Move,MV)
            TOK(Mux,Mux,MX) TOK(Notify,Notify,N) TOK(NotifyCompletion,NotifyCompletion,NC) TOK(ObservedEvents,ObservedEvents,OE) TOK(Oneway,Oneway,OW)
            TOK(OnOff,OnOff,OO) TOK(OtherReason,OtherReason,OR) TOK(OutOfSvc,OutOfService,OS) TOK(Packages,Packages,PG) TOK(Pending,Pending,PN)
            TOK(Priority,Priority,PR) TOK(Profile,Profile,PF) TOK(Reason,Reason,RE) TOK(Recvonly,ReceiveOnly,RC) TOK(Reply,Reply,P)
            TOK(Restart,Restart,RS) TOK(Remote,Remote,R) TOK(ReservedGroup,ReservedGroup,RG) TOK(ReservedValue,ReservedValue,RV) TOK(Sendonly,SendOnly,SO)
            TOK(Sendrecv,SendReceive,SR) TOK(Services,Services,SV) TOK(ServiceStates,ServiceStates,SI) TOK(ServiceChange,ServiceChange,SC)
            TOK(ServiceChangeAddress,ServiceChangeAddress,AD) TOK(SignalList,SignalList,SL) TOK(Signals,Signals,SG) TOK(SignalType,SignalType,SY)
            TOK(Stats,Statistics,SA) TOK(Stream,Stream,ST) TOK(Subtract,Subtract,S) TOK(SynchISDN,SynchISDN,SN) TOK(TerminationState,TerminationState,TS)
            TOK(Test,Test,TE) TOK(TimeOut,TimeOut,TO) TOK(Topology,Topology,TP) TOK(Trans,Transaction,T) TOK(ResponseAck,TransactionResponseAck,K)
            TOK(Version,Version,V) MTPToken, H221Token, H223Token, H226Token, V18Token, V22Token, V22bisToken,
            V32Token, V32bisToken, V34Token, V76Token, V90Token, V91Token;
        // The values 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFE and 0xFFFFFFFF are reserved.
        struct SpecialContexts : qi::symbols<char, uint32_t> {
            enum { NULL_, CHOOSE = 0xFFFFFFFEl, ALL = 0xFFFFFFFFl };
            SpecialContexts() { this->add
                ("$", CHOOSE)
                ("*", ALL)
                ("-", NULL_);
        } SpecialContext;
    struct Parser : Tokens, qi::grammar<It> {
        using Tokens::LWSP;
        using Tokens::SEP;
        using Tokens::SpecialContext;
        using Tokens::NAME;
        using Tokens::VALUE;
        using Tokens::quotedString;
        using Tokens::octetString;
        Parser() : Parser::base_type(megacoMessage) {
            using namespace qi;
            auto LBRKT   = copy(LWSP >> '{' >> LWSP);
            auto RBRKT   = copy(LWSP >> '}' >> LWSP);
            auto EQUAL   = copy(LWSP >> '=' >> LWSP);
            auto COMMA   = copy(LWSP >> ',' >> LWSP);
            auto INEQUAL = copy(LWSP >> char_("><#") >> LWSP);
            auto LSBRKT  = copy(LWSP >> '[' >> LWSP);
            auto RSBRKT  = copy(LWSP >> ']' >> LWSP);
            auto LPAREN  = copy(LWSP >> '(' >> LWSP);
            auto RPAREN  = copy(LWSP >> ')' >> LWSP);
            auto PIPE    = copy(LWSP >> '|' >> LWSP);
            megacoMessage = LWSP >> -(authenticationHeader >> SEP) >> message;
                = Tokens::AuthToken
                >> EQUAL
                >> ("0x" >> repeat(8)[xdigit]) 
                >> ':' 
                >> ("0x" >> repeat(8)[xdigit])
                >> ':' 
                >> repeat(24,64)[xdigit]
                = Tokens::MegacopToken >> '/' >> Version >> SEP >> mId >> SEP
                >> messageBody;
                = ((domainAddress | domainName) >> -(':' >> portNumber)) 
                | mtpAddress 
                | deviceName
                = '<' >> alnum >> repeat(0,63)[char_("a-zA-Z0-9.-")] >> '>';
                = pathNAME.alias();
            pathNAME // TODO total lenght limit according to RFC comment
                = -lit('*') >> NAME >> *char_("/*a-zA-Z0-9_$") >> -('@' >> pathDomainName);
            pathDomainName = raw [(alnum|'*') >> repeat(0,63)[alnum|'-'|'*'|'.'] ];
            ContextID = SpecialContext | UINT32;
            domainAddress = '[' >> (IPv4address | IPv6address) >> ']';
            // RFC2373 contains the definition of IP6Addresses.
            IPv6address   = hexpart >> - (':' >> IPv4address);
            IPv4address   = V4hex >> '.' >> V4hex >> '.' >> V4hex >> '.' >> V4hex;
            V4hex         = qi::uint_parser<uint8_t, 10, 1, 3>{}; // "0".."255"
            hexpart = raw [
                      "::" >> -hexseq
                    | hexseq >> "::" >> -hexseq
                    | hexseq
            hexseq = raw[ uint_parser<uint16_t, 16, 1, 4>{} % ':' ];
            portNumber = UINT16;
            // TODO constraint checking?
            // To octet align the mtpAddress the MSBs shall be encoded as 0s.
            // An octet shall be represented by 2 hex digits.
                = Tokens::MTPToken 
                >> LBRKT
                >> uint_parser<uint32_t, 16, 4, 8>{}
                >> RBRKT
            messageBody = errorDescriptor | transactionList;
            transactionList      = +( transactionRequest | transactionReply |
                                   transactionPending | transactionResponseAck );
            //Use of response acks is dependent on underlying transport
            transactionPending   = Tokens::PendingToken >> EQUAL >> transactionID >> LBRKT >> RBRKT;
            transactionResponseAck = Tokens::ResponseAckToken 
                >> LBRKT >> (transactionAck % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            transactionAck = transactionID | (transactionID >> "-" >> transactionID);
            transactionRequest   = Tokens::TransToken >> EQUAL >> transactionID >> LBRKT
                                   >> (actionRequest % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            actionRequest        = Tokens::CtxToken >> EQUAL >> ContextID >> LBRKT >> ((
                                   contextRequest >> -(COMMA  >> commandRequestList))
                                   | commandRequestList) >> RBRKT;
            contextRequest    = ((contextProperties >> -(COMMA >> contextAudit))
                        | contextAudit);
            contextProperties    = contextProperty % COMMA;
            // at-most-once
            contextProperty    = (topologyDescriptor | priority | Tokens::EmergencyToken);
            contextAudit   = Tokens::ContextAuditToken 
                >> LBRKT >> (contextAuditProperties % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            // at-most-once
            contextAuditProperties = ( Tokens::TopologyToken | Tokens::EmergencyToken | Tokens::PriorityToken );
            // "O-" indicates an optional command
            // "W-" indicates a wildcarded response to a command
            commandRequestList = -lit("O-") >> -lit("W-") >> commandRequest
                                 >> *(COMMA >> -lit("O-") >> -lit("W-") >> commandRequest);
            commandRequest      = ( ammRequest | subtractRequest | auditRequest |
                                    notifyRequest | serviceChangeRequest);
            transactionReply     = Tokens::ReplyToken >> EQUAL >> transactionID >> LBRKT
                              >> -( Tokens::ImmAckRequiredToken >> COMMA)
                            >> ( errorDescriptor | actionReplyList ) >> RBRKT;
            actionReplyList      = actionReply % COMMA ;
            actionReply          = Tokens::CtxToken >> EQUAL >> ContextID >> LBRKT
                              >> ( ( errorDescriptor | commandReply ) |
                     (commandReply >> COMMA >> errorDescriptor) ) >> RBRKT;
            commandReply      = (( contextProperties >> -(COMMA >> commandReplyList) ) |
                                    commandReplyList );
            commandReplyList     = commandReplys % COMMA ;
            commandReplys        = (serviceChangeReply | auditReply | ammsReply |
                                    notifyReply );
            //Add Move and Modify have the same request parameters
            ammRequest           = (Tokens::AddToken | Tokens::MoveToken | Tokens::ModifyToken ) >> EQUAL
                                    >> TerminationID >> 
                                    -(LBRKT >> (ammParameter % COMMA) >> RBRKT);
            ammParameter         = (mediaDescriptor | modemDescriptor |
                                    muxDescriptor | eventsDescriptor |
                                    signalsDescriptor | digitMapDescriptor |
                                    eventBufferDescriptor | auditDescriptor);
            ammsReply            = (Tokens::AddToken | Tokens::MoveToken | Tokens::ModifyToken |
                                    Tokens::SubtractToken ) >> EQUAL >> TerminationID >> -( LBRKT
                                    >> terminationAudit >> RBRKT );
            subtractRequest      =  Tokens::SubtractToken >> EQUAL >> TerminationID
                                    >> -( LBRKT >> auditDescriptor >> RBRKT);
            auditRequest         =  (Tokens::AuditValueToken | Tokens::AuditCapToken ) >> EQUAL
                                    >> TerminationID >> LBRKT >> auditDescriptor >> RBRKT;
            auditReply           = (Tokens::AuditValueToken | Tokens::AuditCapToken )
                                   >> ( contextTerminationAudit  | auditOther);
            auditOther           = EQUAL >> TerminationID >> -(LBRKT >> terminationAudit >> RBRKT);
            terminationAudit = auditReturnParameter % COMMA;
            contextTerminationAudit = EQUAL >> Tokens::CtxToken >> ( terminationIDList |
                                   LBRKT >> errorDescriptor >> RBRKT );
            auditReturnParameter = (mediaDescriptor | modemDescriptor |
                                    muxDescriptor | eventsDescriptor |
                                    signalsDescriptor | digitMapDescriptor |
                               observedEventsDescriptor | eventBufferDescriptor |
                                    statisticsDescriptor | packagesDescriptor |
                                     errorDescriptor | auditItem);
            auditDescriptor      = Tokens::AuditToken >> LBRKT >> -( auditItem % COMMA ) >> RBRKT;
            notifyRequest        = Tokens::NotifyToken >> EQUAL >> TerminationID
                                   >> LBRKT >> ( observedEventsDescriptor
                                         >> -( COMMA >> errorDescriptor ) ) >> RBRKT;
            notifyReply          = Tokens::NotifyToken >> EQUAL >> TerminationID
                                   >> -( LBRKT >> errorDescriptor >> RBRKT );
            serviceChangeRequest = Tokens::ServiceChangeToken >> EQUAL >> TerminationID
                                   >> LBRKT >> serviceChangeDescriptor >> RBRKT;
            serviceChangeReply   = Tokens::ServiceChangeToken >> EQUAL >> TerminationID
                                   >> -(LBRKT >> (errorDescriptor | serviceChangeReplyDescriptor) >> RBRKT);
            errorDescriptor   = Tokens::ErrorToken >> EQUAL >> ErrorCode
                                >> LBRKT >> -quotedString >> RBRKT;
            ErrorCode            = repeat(1,4)[digit]; // could be extended
            transactionID        = UINT32;
            terminationIDList  = LBRKT >> (TerminationID % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            TerminationID        = "ROOT" | pathNAME | "$" | "*";
            mediaDescriptor = Tokens::MediaToken >> LBRKT >> (mediaParm % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            // at-most one terminationStateDescriptor
            // and either streamParm(s) or streamDescriptor(s) but not both
            mediaParm            = (streamParm | streamDescriptor | terminationStateDescriptor);
            // at-most-once per item
            streamParm           = (localDescriptor | remoteDescriptor | localControlDescriptor);
            streamDescriptor     = Tokens::StreamToken >> EQUAL >> StreamID 
                >> LBRKT >> streamParm >> *(COMMA >> streamParm) >> RBRKT;
            localControlDescriptor = Tokens::LocalControlToken 
                >> LBRKT >> localParm >> *(COMMA >> localParm) >> RBRKT;
            // at-most-once per item except for propertyParm
            localParm = (streamMode | propertyParm | reservedValueMode | reservedGroupMode);
            reservedValueMode    = Tokens::ReservedValueToken >> EQUAL >> ( lit("ON") | "OFF" );
            reservedGroupMode    = Tokens::ReservedGroupToken >> EQUAL >> ( lit("ON") | "OFF" );
            streamMode           = Tokens::ModeToken >> EQUAL >> streamModes;
            streamModes     = (Tokens::SendonlyToken | Tokens::RecvonlyToken | Tokens::SendrecvToken |
                                   Tokens::InactiveToken | Tokens::LoopbackToken );
            propertyParm         = pkgdName >> parmValue;
            parmValue            = (EQUAL >> alternativeValue | INEQUAL >> VALUE);
            alternativeValue     = ( VALUE
                           | LSBRKT >> (VALUE % COMMA) >> RSBRKT // sublist (i.e., A AND B AND ...)
                           | LBRKT >> (VALUE % COMMA) >> RBRKT // alternatives (i.e., A OR B OR ...)
                           | LSBRKT >> VALUE >> ':' >> VALUE >> RSBRKT ) // range
            // Note - The octet zero is not among the permitted characters in
            // octet string.  As the current definition is limited to SDP, and a
            // zero octet would not be a legal character in SDP, this is not a
            // concern.
            localDescriptor      = Tokens::LocalToken >> LBRKT >> octetString >> RBRKT;
            remoteDescriptor     = Tokens::RemoteToken >> LBRKT >> octetString >> RBRKT;
            eventBufferDescriptor= Tokens::EventBufferToken >> -( LBRKT >> eventSpec >> *( COMMA >> eventSpec) >> RBRKT );
            eventSpec      = pkgdName >> -( LBRKT >> (eventSpecParameter % COMMA) >> RBRKT );
            eventSpecParameter   = (eventStream | eventOther);
            eventBufferControl     = Tokens::BufferToken >> EQUAL >> ( "OFF" | Tokens::LockStepToken );
            terminationStateDescriptor = Tokens::TerminationStateToken >> LBRKT
                       >> terminationStateParm >> *( COMMA >> terminationStateParm ) >> RBRKT;
            // at-most-once per item except for propertyParm
            terminationStateParm = (propertyParm | serviceStates | eventBufferControl);
            serviceStates        = Tokens::ServiceStatesToken >> EQUAL >> ( Tokens::TestToken | Tokens::OutOfSvcToken | Tokens::InSvcToken );
            muxDescriptor        = Tokens::MuxToken >> EQUAL >> MuxType  >> terminationIDList;
            MuxType              = ( Tokens::H221Token | Tokens::H223Token | Tokens::H226Token | Tokens::V76Token
                                    | extensionParameter );
            StreamID             = UINT16;
            pkgdName     = (PackageName >> '/' >> ItemID) //specific item
                         | (PackageName >> "/*") //all items in package
                         | "*/*" // all items supported by the MG
            PackageName          = NAME.alias();
            ItemID               = NAME.alias();
            eventsDescriptor     = Tokens::EventsToken >> -( EQUAL >> RequestID >> LBRKT >> requestedEvent >> *( COMMA >> requestedEvent ) >> RBRKT );
            requestedEvent       = pkgdName >> -( LBRKT >> eventParameter >> *( COMMA >> eventParameter ) >> RBRKT );
            // at-most-once each of KeepActiveToken , eventDM and eventStream
            //at most one of either embedWithSig or embedNoSig but not both
            //KeepActiveToken and embedWithSig must not both be present
            eventParameter       = ( embedWithSig | embedNoSig | Tokens::KeepActiveToken | eventDM | eventStream | eventOther );
            embedWithSig         = Tokens::EmbedToken >> LBRKT >> signalsDescriptor
                                     >> -(COMMA >> embedFirst ) >> RBRKT;
            embedNoSig        = Tokens::EmbedToken >> LBRKT >> embedFirst >> RBRKT;
            // at-most-once of each
            embedFirst      = Tokens::EventsToken >> -( EQUAL >> RequestID >> LBRKT >> (secondRequestedEvent % COMMA) >> RBRKT );
            secondRequestedEvent = pkgdName >> -( LBRKT >> secondEventParameter >> *( COMMA >> secondEventParameter ) >> RBRKT );
            // at-most-once each of embedSig , KeepActiveToken, eventDM or
            // eventStream
            // KeepActiveToken and embedSig must not both be present
            secondEventParameter = ( embedSig | Tokens::KeepActiveToken | eventDM |
                                     eventStream | eventOther );
            embedSig  = Tokens::EmbedToken >> LBRKT >> signalsDescriptor >> RBRKT;
            eventStream          = Tokens::StreamToken >> EQUAL >> StreamID;
            eventOther           = eventParameterName >> parmValue;
            eventParameterName   = NAME.alias();
            eventDM              = Tokens::DigitMapToken >> EQUAL >> ( digitMapName  |
                                   (LBRKT >> digitMapValue >> RBRKT ));
            signalsDescriptor    = Tokens::SignalsToken >> LBRKT >> -( signalParm % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            signalParm           = signalList | signalRequest;
            signalRequest        = signalName >> -( LBRKT >> (sigParameter % COMMA) >> RBRKT );
            signalList           = Tokens::SignalListToken >> EQUAL >> signalListId >> LBRKT
                                   >> (signalListParm % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            signalListId         = UINT16;
            //exactly once signalType, at most once duration and every signal
            signalListParm       = signalRequest.alias();
            signalName           = pkgdName.alias();
            //at-most-once sigStream, at-most-once sigSignalType,
            //at-most-once sigDuration, every signalParameterName at most once
            sigParameter = sigStream | sigSignalType | sigDuration | sigOther
                        | notifyCompletion | Tokens::KeepActiveToken;
            sigStream            = Tokens::StreamToken >> EQUAL >> StreamID;
            sigOther             = sigParameterName >> parmValue;
            sigParameterName     = NAME.alias();
            sigSignalType        = Tokens::SignalTypeToken >> EQUAL >> signalType;
            signalType           = (Tokens::OnOffToken | Tokens::TimeOutToken | Tokens::BriefToken);
            sigDuration          = Tokens::DurationToken >> EQUAL >> UINT16;
            notifyCompletion     = Tokens::NotifyCompletionToken >> EQUAL >> (LBRKT
                     >> (notificationReason % COMMA) >> RBRKT);
            notificationReason   = ( Tokens::TimeOutToken | Tokens::InterruptByEventToken
                                 | Tokens::InterruptByNewSignalsDescrToken
                                 | Tokens::OtherReasonToken );
            observedEventsDescriptor = Tokens::ObservedEventsToken >> EQUAL >> RequestID
                               >> LBRKT >> (observedEvent % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            //time per event, because it might be buffered
            observedEvent        = -( TimeStamp >> LWSP >> ':') >> LWSP
                                   >> pkgdName >> -( LBRKT >> (observedEventParameter % COMMA) >> RBRKT );
            //at-most-once eventStream, every eventParameterName at most once
            observedEventParameter = eventStream | eventOther;
            // For an AuditCapReply with all events, the RequestID should be ALL.
            RequestID            = ( UINT32 | "*" );
            modemDescriptor      = Tokens::ModemToken >> (( EQUAL >> modemType) |
                               (LSBRKT >> (modemType % COMMA) >> RSBRKT))
                              >> -( LBRKT >> (propertyParm % COMMA) >> RBRKT );
            // at-most-once except for extensionParameter
            modemType            = (Tokens::V32bisToken | Tokens::V22bisToken | Tokens::V18Token |
                                    Tokens::V22Token | Tokens::V32Token | Tokens::V34Token | Tokens::V90Token |
                                  Tokens::V91Token | Tokens::SynchISDNToken | extensionParameter);
            digitMapDescriptor  = Tokens::DigitMapToken >> EQUAL
                                 >> ( ( LBRKT >> digitMapValue >> RBRKT ) |
                                 (digitMapName >> -( LBRKT >> digitMapValue >> RBRKT )) );
            digitMapName        = NAME.alias();
            digitMapValue       = -("T:" >> Timer >> COMMA) >> -("S:" >> Timer >> COMMA)
                               >> -("L:" >> Timer >> COMMA) >> digitMap;
            Timer               = repeat(1,2)[digit];
            // Units are seconds for T, S, and L timers, and hundreds of
            // milliseconds for Z timer.  Thus T, S, and L range from 1 to 99
            // seconds and Z from 100 ms to 9.9 s
            digitMap = (digitString |
                        LPAREN >> digitStringList >> RPAREN);
            digitStringList   = digitString >> *( PIPE >> digitString );
            digitString       = +digitStringElement;
            digitStringElement = digitPosition >> -lit('.');
            digitPosition     = digitMapLetter | digitMapRange;
            digitMapRange     = ("x" | (LSBRKT >> digitLetter >> RSBRKT));
            digitLetter       = *((digit >> "-" >> digit ) | digitMapLetter);
            digitMapLetter    = char_("0-9" //Basic event symbols
                                      "LS" // Inter-event timers (long, short)
                                      "Z" //Long duration modifier
            //at-most-once, and DigitMapToken and PackagesToken are not allowed
            //in AuditCapabilities command
            auditItem            = ( Tokens::MuxToken | Tokens::ModemToken | Tokens::MediaToken |
                                    Tokens::SignalsToken | Tokens::EventBufferToken |
                                    Tokens::DigitMapToken | Tokens::StatsToken | Tokens::EventsToken |
                                    Tokens::ObservedEventsToken | Tokens::PackagesToken );
            serviceChangeDescriptor = Tokens::ServicesToken 
                >> LBRKT >> serviceChangeParm >> *(COMMA >> serviceChangeParm) >> RBRKT;
            // each parameter at-most-once
            // at most one of either serviceChangeAddress or serviceChangeMgcId
            // but not both
            // serviceChangeMethod and serviceChangeReason are REQUIRED
            serviceChangeParm    = (serviceChangeMethod | serviceChangeReason |
                                   serviceChangeDelay | serviceChangeAddress |
                                   serviceChangeProfile | extension | TimeStamp |
                                   serviceChangeMgcId | serviceChangeVersion );
            serviceChangeReplyDescriptor = Tokens::ServicesToken >> LBRKT
                                 >> (servChgReplyParm % COMMA) >> RBRKT;
            // at-most-once.  Version is REQUIRED on first ServiceChange response
            // at most one of either serviceChangeAddress or serviceChangeMgcId
            // but not both
            servChgReplyParm     = (serviceChangeAddress | serviceChangeMgcId |
                                   serviceChangeProfile | serviceChangeVersion |
            serviceChangeMethod  = Tokens::MethodToken >> EQUAL >> (Tokens::FailoverToken |
                                   Tokens::ForcedToken | Tokens::GracefulToken | Tokens::RestartToken |
                                   Tokens::DisconnectedToken | Tokens::HandOffToken |
            // A serviceChangeReason consists of a numeric reason code
            // and an optional text description.
            // A serviceChangeReason MUST be encoded using the quotedString
            // form of VALUE.
            // The quotedString SHALL contain a decimal reason code,
            // optionally followed by a single space character and a
            // textual description string.
            serviceChangeReason  = Tokens::ReasonToken  >> EQUAL >> VALUE;
            serviceChangeDelay   = Tokens::DelayToken   >> EQUAL >> UINT32;
            serviceChangeAddress = Tokens::ServiceChangeAddressToken >> EQUAL >> ( mId |
                                   portNumber );
            serviceChangeMgcId   = Tokens::MgcIdToken   >> EQUAL >> mId;
            serviceChangeProfile = Tokens::ProfileToken >> EQUAL >> NAME >> '/' >> Version;
            serviceChangeVersion = Tokens::VersionToken >> EQUAL >> Version;
            extension            = extensionParameter >> parmValue;
            packagesDescriptor   = Tokens::PackagesToken 
                >> LBRKT >> packagesItem >> *(COMMA >> packagesItem) >> RBRKT;
            packagesItem         = NAME >> "-" >> UINT16;
            TimeStamp            = Date >> "T" >> Time; // per ISO 8601:1988
            // Date = yyyymmdd
            Date                 = repeat(8)[digit];
            // Time = hhmmssss
            Time                 = repeat(8)[digit];
            statisticsDescriptor = Tokens::StatsToken 
                >> LBRKT >> statisticsParameter >> *(COMMA >> statisticsParameter ) >> RBRKT;
            //at-most-once per item
            statisticsParameter  = pkgdName >> -(EQUAL >> VALUE);
            topologyDescriptor   = Tokens::TopologyToken 
                >> LBRKT >> topologyTriple >> *(COMMA >> topologyTriple) >> RBRKT;
            topologyTriple       = terminationA >> COMMA >>
                                   terminationB >> COMMA >> topologyDirection;
            terminationA         = TerminationID.alias();
            terminationB         = TerminationID.alias();
            topologyDirection    = Tokens::BothwayToken | Tokens::IsolateToken | Tokens::OnewayToken;
            priority             = Tokens::PriorityToken >> EQUAL >> UINT16;
            extensionParameter   = "X" >> char_("-+") >> repeat(1,6)[alnum];
                // snipped for Stack Overflow, see Coliru
        qi::rule<It> megacoMessage, message;
        qi::rule<It, uint32_t()> mtpAddress, ContextID;
        qi::rule<It, std::string()> mId, domainName, deviceName, pathNAME, domainAddress, pathDomainName,
            IPv4address, IPv6address, hexpart, hexseq;
        qi::rule<It, uint16_t()> portNumber;
        qi::rule<It, uint8_t()> V4hex;
        // implicit lexemes (no implicit whitespace allowed):
        qi::rule<It> authenticationHeader;
        qi::uint_parser<int, 10, 1, 2> Version;
        qi::uint_parser<uint32_t, 10, 1, 10> UINT32;
        qi::uint_parser<uint16_t, 10, 1, 5>  UINT16;
        // message payload
        qi::rule<It> messageBody,
            transactionList, transactionPending, transactionResponseAck, transactionAck, transactionRequest,
            contextRequest, contextProperties, contextProperty, contextAudit, contextAuditProperties,
            commandRequestList, commandRequest,
            actionReplyList, actionReply, commandReply,
            commandReplyList, commandReplys,
            ammRequest, ammParameter, ammsReply,
            auditRequest, auditReply, auditOther,
            auditReturnParameter, auditDescriptor, notifyRequest,
            serviceChangeRequest, serviceChangeReply,
            errorDescriptor, ErrorCode, transactionID;
            TerminationID, mediaDescriptor,
            mediaParm, streamParm,
            streamDescriptor, localControlDescriptor, localParm,
            reservedValueMode, reservedGroupMode,
            streamMode, streamModes,
            propertyParm, parmValue, alternativeValue,
            localDescriptor, remoteDescriptor,
            eventBufferDescriptor, eventSpec, eventSpecParameter, eventBufferControl,
            terminationStateDescriptor, terminationStateParm,
            muxDescriptor, MuxType,
            pkgdName, PackageName,
            eventsDescriptor, requestedEvent, eventParameter,
            embedWithSig, embedNoSig, embedFirst,
            secondRequestedEvent, secondEventParameter,
            eventStream, eventOther, eventParameterName, eventDM,
            signalsDescriptor, signalParm, signalRequest, signalList, signalListId, signalListParm, signalName,
            sigParameter, sigStream, sigOther, sigParameterName, sigSignalType, signalType, sigDuration,
            notifyCompletion, notificationReason,
            observedEventsDescriptor, observedEvent, observedEventParameter,
            modemDescriptor, modemType,
            digitMapDescriptor, digitMapName, digitMapValue,
            digitMap, digitStringList, digitString, digitStringElement, digitPosition, digitMapRange, digitLetter, digitMapLetter,
            serviceChangeDescriptor, serviceChangeParm, serviceChangeReplyDescriptor,
            serviceChangeMethod, serviceChangeReason, serviceChangeDelay, serviceChangeAddress, serviceChangeMgcId, serviceChangeProfile, serviceChangeVersion,
            TimeStamp, Date, Time,
            statisticsDescriptor, statisticsParameter,
            topologyDescriptor, topologyTriple,
            terminationA, terminationB,
    int main() {
        std::string const  sample = R"(
    !/3 []:2134
        using It = std::string::const_iterator;
        Megaco<It>::Parser parser;
        It f = sample.begin(), l = sample.end();
        bool ok = qi::parse(f, l, parser);
        if (ok)
            std::cout << "Parse success\n";
            std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
        if (f != l)
            std::cout << "Remaining unparsed input: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";


    Parse success

    ¹ i.e. mostly dumb transformation of the productions, specifically barely no attribute handling and very heavy (e.g. no symbols<> for the modemtypes etc.)