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Wrap Eigen's tensor class to create dynamic rank tensors?

Eigen's tensor module supports static rank tensors through the use of template arguments, with something like Eigen::Tensor<typename T,int dims>. I'm only going to be using Eigen::Tensor<double, n>, where n isn't necessarily known at compile time. Is there anyway to make a class like:

class TensorWrapper{
    Eigen::Tensor<double,??????> t; //not sure what could go here
    TensorWrapper(int dimensions){
        t = Eigen::Tensor<double,dimensions>(); //wouldn't work either way

I know that Eigen::Tensor<double,2> and Eigen::Tensor<double,3> have absolutely nothing to do with each other because they are templated, and that I can't have template arguments determined at run-time, so the above would fail in every possible way. I also know that tensors in Tensorflow support this, but they don't have tensor contraction in c++ (which is why I need tensors in the first place). Is there any way to do what I wanted to above, even for a limited number of dimensions (I won't need more than 5 or 6)? If not, are there any tensor libraries for c++ that support dynamic rank and tensor contraction?


  • Hi I wrote this multidimensional tensor library (its not full fledged) it supports basic operations like dotproduct and pointwise elements.

    Tensor<float> tensor3 = {3, 4, 5};   -- generates a 3 dimensional tensor (3 rows, 4 columns, 5 pages)
    Tensor<float> tensor5 = {1,2,3,4,5}; -- generate a 5d tensors (1 rows, 2 columns, 3 pages, etc)
    tensor3[1] = 3;                      -- returns the second matrix and sets all the values to 3. 
    tensor3[1][2];                       -- returns the second matrx and then then 3rd column of that matrix
    tensor3({1,2,3},{2,2});              -- at index 1,2,3, returns a sub-matrix of dimensions 2x2

    All of the accessor operators [] (int index) and ({initializer_list index},{initializer_list shape}) return seperate tensors but they all refer to the same internal array. Therefor you can modify the original tensor from these sub_tensors.

    All the data is allocated on a single array. If you want to use dotproduct you need to link it to BLAS. Here's the header file, it details most of the methods.

    However, it is not particularly fast, personally I use this personal library just for prototyping NeuralNetworks (