TL;DR: Why am I receiving a list of all resident's when I'm using class methods to scope between active & inactive residents?
My application uses the 'acts_as_tenant' gem. The tenant model is called Account, which has many employees who manage residents.
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :set_subdomain
has_one :admin, class_name: 'Employee', foreign_key: :account_id,
dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :account
has_many :employees, class_name: 'Employee', foreign_key: :account_id,
dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :account
has_many :residents
has_many :invites
has_many :daily_summaries
has_one :subscription
In my resident's schema there is a flag attribute named is_active
, it's purpose being to differentiate between active and soft-deleted residents. You can also see the db constraints added.
create_table :residents do |t|
t.integer :account_id, null: false
t.integer :employee_id, null: false
t.boolean :is_active, default: true, null: false
I allow employees to view soft-deleted residents & offer a tabbed index-view of both active/inactive residents.
In my Resident class I have the following class methods to scope based on active/inactive state.
class Resident < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.inactive_count(current_account)
where({ account_id:, is_active: false }).count
def self.default(current_account)
where({ account_id:, is_active: true })
def self.inactive(current_account)
# where({ account_id:, is_active: false })
where("account_id = ? AND is_active = ?",, false).first
def archive
update_attribute(:is_active, false)
My problem is that I am receiving a list of all residents in both the active and inactive tabs in my index-view. Note the last name is the same in both images of this view page.
I would prefer for the class method to only return active or inactive residents respectively.
I'm wanting to find out why I'm not receiving only active or only inactive residents based on my query class methods.
The class methods for active/inactive count appear to be working as expected, here is a peak.
def index
@inactive_residents = Resident.inactive(current_account)
@inactive_resident_count = Resident.inactive_count(current_account)
@active_residents = Resident.default(current_account)
@active_resident_count = Resident.active_count(current_account)
My reading so far to solve:
Server logs included to show SQL
View templates
<li class="active">
<a href="#" data-toggle="tab">
Active Residents
<span class="badge badge-purple">
<%= @active_resident_count %>
<a href="#" data-toggle="tab">
Inactive Residents
<span class="badge badge-dark">
<%= @inactive_resident_count %>
<% if @active_residents.any? %>
<% @active_residents.reverse_each do |resident| %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% unless @inactive_residents.nil? %>
<% @inactive_residents.reverse_each do |resident| %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Update after comment
My logs are below, nothing changes in the log when I select the 'inactive' tab in the browser. I also don't see any output from js console in dev tools unless I set an option for verbose output. I will include an image of this also.
This could be a UI/jQuery issue. See if you are rendering the correct data under each tab. Since the count looks correct.