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How to get all users that the logged in user is not friends with in MySQL?

I am fully able to get all of the logged in users current friends, which I do with this query here -

SELECT users.*
FROM users
LEFT JOIN friends
ON = friends.friend_id
WHERE friends.user_id = $user_logged_in_id

But I want to do the opposite, and I can't figure it out.

I am trying to do friends logic.

I need to get all the users who the currently logged in user is not already friends with

I have a users table and a friends table to act as a many to many relationship between users and their friends. The keys in the friends table are user_id friend_id.

To illustrate that someone is friends with another user I put (say the logged in user id is 3, and friends user id is 6) user_id = 3 and friend_id = 6 as one row, and then put another row with the id's flipped to illustrate the friendship the other way, user_id = 6 and friend_id = 3.

users table

|          id         |     username     |
|          1          |     sonja12      |
|          2          |     dorris32     |
|          3          |     billy32      |
|          4          |     micha97      |
|          5          |     travis841    |
|          6          |     johnny28     |

friends table

|          id         |     user_id      |     friend_id    |
|          1          |        3         |         6        |
|          2          |        6         |         3        |


I think I have narrowed down my question a bit to be more concise.

I want to get all users from the users table where their id does not appear as a friend id beside the user_id of the current logged in user in the friends table.


  • You're thinking of the problem in a strange way. It might help to think of it as an intersection of sets you need to create as opposed to a set that exists in the absence of an id.

    SELECT id from users WHERE id != $logged_in_user AND id NOT IN ( SELECT friend_id from friends where user_id=$logged_in_user)