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VueJs directive two way binding

I created a custom directive to handle select2 in VueJs. The code below works when I am binding a select to a data property in my viewmodel that is not a propert of an object within data.

Like this.userId but if it is bound to something like, it would not update the value in my viewmodel data object.

Vue.directive('selected', {    
    bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {    
        var key = binding.expression;    
        var select = $(el);    

        vnode.context.$data[binding.expression] = select.val();    

        select.on('change', function () {    
            vnode.context.$data[binding.expression] = select.val();    
    update: function (el, binding, newVnode, oldVnode) {    
        var select = $(el);    

<select v-selected="userEditor.Id">
   <option v-for="user in users" v-bind:value="" >
       {{ user.fullName}}

Related fiddle:


  • When you using 1st level $data's-property, it accessing to $data object directly through []-brackets

    But you want to pass to selected-directive the path to nested object, so you should do something like this:

    // source:
    function deepSet(obj, value, path) {
        var i;
        path = path.split('.');
        for (i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++)
            obj = obj[path[i]];
        obj[path[i]] = value;
    Vue.directive('selected', {    
    bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {    
        var select = $(el);    
        deepSet(vnode.context.$data, select.val(), binding.expression);    
        select.on('change', function () {    
            deepSet(vnode.context.$data, select.val(), binding.expression);
    update: function (el, binding, newVnode, oldVnode) {    
        var select = $(el);    
    <select v-selected="userEditor.Id">
    <option v-for="user in users" v-bind:value="" >
       {{ user.fullName}}


    Suppose we have two $data's props: valOrObjectWithoutNesting and objLvl1:

    data: function(){
        valOrObjectWithoutNesting: 'let it be some string',
              objField: 'primitive string'

    Variant with 1st level $data's-property:

    <select v-selected="valOrObjectWithoutNesting">
    // Now this code:
    vnode.context.$data[binding.expression] = select.val();
    // Equals to: 
    vnode.context.$data['valOrObjectWithoutNesting'] = select.val();

    Variant with 4th level $data's-property:

    <select v-selected="objLvl1.objLvl2.objLvl3.objField">
    // Now this code:
    vnode.context.$data[binding.expression] = select.val();
    // Equals to: 
    vnode.context.$data['objLvl1.objLvl2.objLvl3.objField'] = select.val(); // error here

    So the deepSet function in my code above "converting" $data['objLvl1.objLvl2.objLvl3.objField'] to $data['objLvl1']['objLvl2']['objLvl3']['objField'].

    As you see, as I mentioned in comments to your question, when you want make select2-wrapper more customisable, the directive-way much more complicated, than separate component-way. In component, you would pass as much configuration props and event subscriptions as you want, you would avoid doing side mutations like vnode.context.$data[binding.expression] and your code would become more understandable and simpler for further support.