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Spring boot read and new mail Listener on spring-boot-starter-mail

I want to demonstrate the email application using the spring boot MVC in that web application I follow this tutorial I can easily send the emails using spring boot.

Here my question is

  1. how can I read the emails using spring boot..?
  2. how can I listen for new emails and how to update the inbox on the view..?

please suggest me any solutions for that because I searched a lot but I can find only send email example.please share me if you have any working samples for that using spring boot. Thanks in advance.


  • You could consider using Spring integration mail support

    There is a Java DSL for this purposes.
    An example of IMAP config could be found here

    The key aspects are like this

    public class IntegrationConfig {
        public IntegrationFlow imapIdleFlow() {
            return IntegrationFlows
                    .from(Mail.imapIdleAdapter("imap://user:pw@localhost:" + imapIdleServer.getPort() + "/INBOX")
                            .javaMailProperties(p -> p.put("mail.debug", "false")
                                    .put("mail.imap.connectionpoolsize", "5"))
        public HeaderMapper<MimeMessage> mailHeaderMapper() {
            return new DefaultMailHeaderMapper();
        private SearchTerm fromAndNotSeenTerm(Flags supportedFlags, Folder folder) {
            try {
                FromTerm fromTerm = new FromTerm(new InternetAddress("bar@baz"));
                return new AndTerm(fromTerm, new FlagTerm(new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), false));
            catch (AddressException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);