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Importing Excel to internal table with same layout

I know of function module ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE. This FM creates an internal table with three columns (row, column, value). But I want to create an internal table which has the same layout as my Excel sheet. How can I achieve this?


  • You can use class cl_mass_spreadsheet_service if you are uploading the excel in foreground. See my example code below:

        lv_file      TYPE if_mass_spreadsheet_types=>file_name,
        lt_result    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zsd_salesorder_create. "your result table
    lv_file = 'C:\some_file.xlsx'.
            iv_file                     = lv_file   "full path+name of file. See method navigate_to_file below
            iv_from_file                = abap_true "use to upload from excel/CSV
            iv_from_clipboard           = abap_false "use to copy directly from clipbiard
            iv_tabname                  = 'Order_Create' "can be whatever
            ct_table                    = lt_result "if ct_table have the same column names as the excel file, the order of the columns does not matter