I'm using neo4j to contain temporary datasets from different source systems. My data consists of a few parent objects which each contain ~4-7 layers of child objects of varying types. Total object count per dataset varies between 2,000 and 1.5 million. I'm using the python py2neo library, which has had good performance both during the data creation phase, and for passing through cypher queries for reporting.
I'd like to isolate datasets from unrelated systems for querying and purging purposes, but I'm worried about performance. I have a few ideas, but it's not clear to me which are the most likely to be viable.
The easiest to implement (for my code) would be a top-level "project" object. That project object would then have a few direct children (via a relationship) and many indirect children. I'm worried that when I want to filter by project, I'll have to use a relationship wildcard MATCH (pr:project)<-[:IN_PROJECT*7]-(c:child_object)
distance, which seems to very expensive query-wise.
I could also make a direct relationship between the project object and every other object in the project. MATCH (pr:project)<-[:IN_PROJECT]-(c:child_object)
This should be easier for writing queries, but I don't know what might happen when I have a single object with potentially millions of relationships.
Finally, I could set a project-id property on every single object in the dataset. MATCH (c:child_object {project-id:"A1B2C3"})
It seems to be a wasteful solution, but I think it might be better performance wise in the graph DB model.
Apologies if I mangled the sample Cypher queries / neo4j terminology. I set aside this project for 6 weeks, and I'm a little rusty.
If you have a finite set of datasets, you should consider using a dedicated label to specify the data source. In Neo4j's property graph data model, a node is allowed to have multiple labels.
MATCH (c:child_object:DataSourceA)
Labels are always indexed, so performance should be better than that of your proposals 1-3. I also think this is a more elegant solution -- however, it will get tricky if you do not know the number of data sets up front. In the latter case, you might use something like
MATCH (c:child_object)
WHERE 'DataSourceA' IN labels(c)
But this is more like a "full table scan", so performance-wise, you'll be better off using your approach 3 and building an index on project-id