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Casting of `arrayfire::Array`

I'm using the arrayfire crate to open an image with af::load_image. This gives me a f32 array that I can do some processing on. After I am done, I would like to save it as an u8 image using af::save_image:

extern crate arrayfire as af;

fn main() {
    let im = af::load_image("image".into(), false);
    //let im2: af::Array = im.cast(); // Error: cannot infer type for T
    //let im2: af::Array<DType::U8> = im.cast(); // Error: expected no type arguments

I can't figure out how to convert the array into a u8 type. I looked into the from method but I have no idea how to use it.


  • The signature for cast is cast<T: HasAfEnum>(&self) -> Array

    Array type doesn't have type parameters. It is the cast method which has one. You need to provide type parameter to the cast method using turbofish syntax ::<_>

    let im2 = im.cast::<u8>();