I have a panel data set of 10 obs. and 3 variables. (# of obs. 30 = 10 rows (= countries) * 2 columns (= migration parameters) * 1col for the respective year. My data frame consists of 3 annual data frames, so to say.
How can I apply stargazer on the whole period of time by taking into account that it is a panel data set (so max N=10)? That is, R should start over after every 11th row. I'd like to get the pretty table for descriptive statistics
The data set for the first three years:
structure(list(Population = c(21759420, 8696916, 1946351, 14689726,
8212264, 491723, 18907008, 4345386, 11133861, 657229, 22549547,
8944706, 1979882, 15141099, 8489031, 496963, 19432541, 4404230,
11502786, 673252, 23369131, 9199259, 2014866, 15605217, 8766930,
502384, 19970495, 4448525, 11887202, 689692), Distance..km. = c(7243L,
4290L, 9500L, 3789L, 6452L, 2211L, 4667L, 5036L, 4047L, 9140L,
7243L, 4290L, 9500L, 3789L, 6452L, 2211L, 4667L, 5036L, 4047L,
9140L, 7243L, 4290L, 9500L, 3789L, 6452L, 2211L, 4667L, 5036L,
4047L, 9140L), year = c(2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008,
2008, 2008, 2008, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009,
2009, 2009, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010,
2010)), .Names = c("Population", "Distance..km.", "year"), row.names = c(1L,
2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 50L, 51L, 52L, 53L, 54L,
55L, 56L, 57L, 58L, 59L, 99L, 100L, 101L, 102L, 103L, 104L, 105L,
106L, 107L, 108L), class = "data.frame")
I still get descriptive statistics from N=30, but it should N=10, since I'm looking for the descriptive statistics of the whole period of three years and each yearly data frame needs to be considered isolated for that. Hope I expressed the problem comprehensibly
You can either use split
+ lapply
from base R:
lapply(split(df, df$year), stargazer, type = "text")
or by
by(df, df$year, stargazer, type = 'text')
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Population 10 9,083,988.000 7,541,970.000 491,723 21,759,420
Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500
year 10 2,008.000 0.000 2,008 2,008
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Population 10 9,361,404.000 7,798,880.000 496,963 22,549,547
Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500
year 10 2,009.000 0.000 2,009 2,009
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Population 10 9,645,370.000 8,065,676.000 502,384 23,369,131
Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500
year 10 2,010.000 0.000 2,010 2,010
df$year: 2008
[1] ""
[2] "==============================================================="
[3] "Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max "
[4] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
[5] "Population 10 9,083,988.000 7,541,970.000 491,723 21,759,420"
[6] "Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500 "
[7] "year 10 2,008.000 0.000 2,008 2,008 "
[8] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
df$year: 2009
[1] ""
[2] "==============================================================="
[3] "Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max "
[4] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
[5] "Population 10 9,361,404.000 7,798,880.000 496,963 22,549,547"
[6] "Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500 "
[7] "year 10 2,009.000 0.000 2,009 2,009 "
[8] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
df$year: 2010
[1] ""
[2] "==============================================================="
[3] "Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max "
[4] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
[5] "Population 10 9,645,370.000 8,065,676.000 502,384 23,369,131"
[6] "Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500 "
[7] "year 10 2,010.000 0.000 2,010 2,010 "
[8] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
The disadvantage of these two methods is that they print out the tables twice (once from stargazer
output, another from lapply
). To get around this, you can use walk
form purrr
to only call stargazer
for it's side-effects:
df %>%
split(.$year) %>%
walk(~ stargazer(., type = "text"))
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Population 10 9,083,988.000 7,541,970.000 491,723 21,759,420
Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500
year 10 2,008.000 0.000 2,008 2,008
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Population 10 9,361,404.000 7,798,880.000 496,963 22,549,547
Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500
year 10 2,009.000 0.000 2,009 2,009
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
Population 10 9,645,370.000 8,065,676.000 502,384 23,369,131
Distance..km. 10 5,637.500 2,385.941 2,211 9,500
year 10 2,010.000 0.000 2,010 2,010
All methods above works for latex output (type = "latex"
). I only set type = "text"
for demonstrative purposes.