I have a table from which I want to grap the first record that gives a passage IN ('B410','B420','C430','C440'). So, I suppose this means looking for the record with the oldest date and within that oldest date the record with the oldest time stamp.
I wrote a query with 2 nested subqueries, but that query does not do the trick (it gives me an empty result). What am I doing wrong? The strange thing is that when changing the syntax to find the max(fromdate) and max(hour), I do find the record with timstamp 22:18. But I do not find the record with timestamp 16:40 with min(fromdate) and min(hour).
select v.id,
from visit v
inner join visit_hist h
on v.id = h.id
where v.id in ('10251183')
and h.room in ('B410','B420','C430','C440')
and h.fromdate =
(select min(fromdate)
from visit_hist
where (id= h.id
and h.hour =
(select min(hour) from visit_hist where id= h.id and h.date = date
order by v.date,
Can someone help me out here?
Just use window functions:
select . . .
from visit v inner join
(select vh.*, row_number() over (partition by vh.id order by date asc, hour asc) as seqnum
from visit_hist vh
where vh.room in ('B410', 'B420', 'C430', 'C440')
) vh
on v.id = vh.id
where v.id in (10251183) and seqnum = 1;
Note: This gives the id
s with the first room in the list. If you want the id
s whose first room is in the list, then move the condition on vh.room
to the outer query.