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git ignore file completely

I am using git to organise my code in better way.

I have setup git on localhost and production server

There is a median GitLab to store all commits and branches.

On the server, I have setup two subdomains, one to host master branch on and another one for dev branch on

I have initialized and set up the same remote on both subdomains to pull master branch to app and dev branch to dev.

I want some files to be separate in all three places.

Like I have two files in my application database_config.php and app.php

database_config.php file contains the database credentials and since database credentials for localhost, app and dev are different. I need it to be different and not be affected by merge, push and pull.

Similarly, I have app.php through which debug is enabled on localhost and dev but it will always be disabled on app.

although I have included these files in .gitignore file on localhost, it is not pushed to GitLab. When in case of conflict I need to reset HEAD on production which also deletes the both files on production because they does not exists on GitLab repository.

How can I prevent these files from any action of the git and it will always be intact of any event?


  • When you add a file to .gitignore, it must be untracked. Remove it using git rm --cached database_config.php.