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CRC 4 implementation for C#

Solved by this code ->

I searched the web for a CRC 4 implementation in C# because I have to calculate a checksum by

Changing the numbers of the barcode into Hex representation, then to bytes and then to bits and then calculate a CRC4 checksum on the bit stream.

I already found this question from 8 years ago without an answer CRC-4 implementation in C#.

I tried changing the CRC 8 and 16 implementations to CRC 4 but they don't quite get the result I require.

0130E0928270FFFFFFF should evaluate to 7.

I found two C implementation but was unable to convert them to C#. For example this one:

 short[] crc4_tab = {
 0x0, 0x7, 0xe, 0x9, 0xb, 0xc, 0x5, 0x2,
 0x1, 0x6, 0xf, 0x8, 0xa, 0xd, 0x4, 0x3,

* crc4 - calculate the 4-bit crc of a value.
* @crc:  starting crc4
* @x:    value to checksum
* @bits: number of bits in @x to checksum
* Returns the crc4 value of @x, using polynomial 0b10111.
* The @x value is treated as left-aligned, and bits above @bits are ignored
* in the crc calculations.
short crc4(uint8_t c, uint64_t x, int bits)
    int i;

    /* mask off anything above the top bit */
    x &= (1ull << bits) -1;

    /* Align to 4-bits */
    bits = (bits + 3) & ~0x3;

    /* Calculate crc4 over four-bit nibbles, starting at the MSbit */
    for (i = bits - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4)
    c = crc4_tab[c ^ ((x >> i) & 0xf)];

    return c;

My current generation code (unit test) looks like this:

public void x()
    var ordnungskennzeichen = 01;
    var kundennummer = 51251496;
    var einlieferungsbel = 9999;
    var sendungsnr = 16777215;

    var hex_ordnungskennzeichen = ordnungskennzeichen.ToString("x2");
    var hex_kundennummer = kundennummer.ToString("x2");
    var hex_einlieferungsbel = einlieferungsbel.ToString("x2");
    var hex_sendungsnr = sendungsnr.ToString("x2");

    var complete = hex_ordnungskennzeichen + hex_kundennummer + hex_einlieferungsbel + hex_sendungsnr;

    var bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(complete);

    //var computeChecksum = crc4(???);
    //   Console.WriteLine(computeChecksum);


short[] crc4_tab = {
    0x0, 0x7, 0xe, 0x9, 0xb, 0xc, 0x5, 0x2,
    0x1, 0x6, 0xf, 0x8, 0xa, 0xd, 0x4, 0x3,

* crc4 - calculate the 4-bit crc of a value.
* @crc:  starting crc4
* @x:    value to checksum
* @bits: number of bits in @x to checksum
* Returns the crc4 value of @x, using polynomial 0b10111.
* The @x value is treated as left-aligned, and bits above @bits are ignored
* in the crc calculations.

short crc4(byte c, ulong x, int bits)
    int i;

    /* mask off anything above the top bit */
    x &= ((ulong)1 << bits) -1;

    /* Align to 4-bits */
    bits = (bits + 3) & ~0x3;

    /* Calculate crc4 over four-bit nibbles, starting at the MSbit */
    for (i = bits - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4)
        c = (byte) crc4_tab[c ^ ((x >> i) & 0xf)];

    return c;


  • After further testing and communication with the Deutsche Post AG we made a correct implementation (for the purpose of Deutsche Post at least):