I have two Google sheets with different Marvel characters (column A) and their corresponding home universe (column C).
| Heroes | Count | Universe |
| Spider Ham | 365 | Earth-8311 |
| Iron Man | 467 | Earth-616 |
| Hulk Bunny | 24 | Earth-8311 |
| Heroes | Count | Universe |
| Spider Ham | 234 | Earth-8311 |
| Iron Man | 998 | Earth-616 |
| May Porker | 11 | Earth-8311 |
In Sheet3 this formula in each row =ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(", ";1;REPT(Sheet1!A:A;1*(Sheet1!C:C=A$2))))
(placed in column B) grabs the data from Sheet1 and return in like this:
| Universe | Heroes |
| Earth-8311 | Spider Ham, Hulk Bunny |
| Earth-616 | Iron Man |
Which is great. But I also want combine the data from Sheet2 in the formula - so Sheet3 looks like this (without duplicates):
| Universe | Heroes |
| Earth-8311 | Spider Ham, Hulk Bunny, May Porker |
| Earth-616 | Iron Man |
I want to modify the ArrayFormula to search in Sheet1 AND Sheet2 - is this possible to do in a single Spreadsheet-formula?
Tried =ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(", ";1;REPT(Sheet1:Sheet2!A:A;1*(Sheet1Sheet2!C:C=A$2))))
but it only returns #NAME?
Please try:
=ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(", ",1,UNIQUE(filter({Sheet1!A:A;Sheet2!A:A},{Sheet1!C:C;Sheet2!C:C}=A2))))
Used arrays {} in Google Sheets, and filter
formula. Unique
is to get rid of duplicates.