I am calling UpdateAsync
, but it's updating the CreationTime
and CreatorUserId
columns even if I'm not passing in these values. It should update only the required columns.
"testCode": "string",
"testName": "string",
"testDesc": "string",
"id": 1
public async Task UpdateTest(TestDetailsDTO input)
var classobj = ObjectMapper.Map<Test>(input);
await UpdateAsync(classobj);
public class TestDetailsDTO : FullAuditedEntityDto
public string TestCode { get; set; }
public string TestName { get; set; }
public string TestDesc { get; set; }
Parameter input
gets CreationTime
in UpdateTest
service method.
public class Test : FullAuditedEntity
public const int NVarcharLength20 = 20;
public const int NVarcharLength30 = 30;
public const int NVarcharLength50 = 50;
public virtual string TestCode { get; set; }
public virtual string TestName { get; set; }
public virtual string TestDesc { get; set; }
Current flow:
creates a new Test
and CreatorUserId
are default(DateTime)
and default(long?)
.Correct flow:
from database.CreationTime
and CreatorUserId
to classobj
.var classobj = repository.GetEntity(input.id); // 1
input.CreationTime = classobj.CreationTime; // 2
input.CreatorUserId = classobj.CreatorUserId; // 2
ObjectMapper.Map(input, classobj); // 3
Better design:
for input
→ skip step 2.It's working, any other way around? Because it's calling extra GetEntity method.
The other way is to attach. The trade-off is that you have to map explicitly, not ObjectMapper.Map
// Create new stub with correct id and attach to context.
var classobj = new Test { Id = input.Id };
repository.As<EfRepositoryBase<MyDbContext, Test>>().Table.Attach(classobj);
// Now the entity is being tracked by EF, update required properties.
classobj.TestCode = input.TestCode;
classobj.TestName = input.TestName;
classobj.TestDesc = input.TestDesc;
// EF knows only to update the properties specified above.