I'd like to use ngx-angular dropdown. I've followed the installation instruction from their official page. The dropdown is displaying, but when I select an item, it doesn't appear at the top like a regular dropdown.
I can't find any working example online. Even on their official page, when you select an item, nothing happens.
Can someone tell whether I need to add code to make it work?
1) Initial state
2) Expend and Select any item
3) Button Dropdown is still selected
Is this how it's supposed to work?
First what you are trying to implement is simple drop-down, That's not a select box , what you need is select box not drop-down.
Q : I can't find any working example online. Even on their official page, when you select an item, nothing happens.
A : It's because, they just created a demo of drop-down as name suggests, you need to code on click event,
Here is the link of what you need (from same providers) :
Extra (if you need more) :