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A website has a list of URLs, I need to write a loop that accesses each URL and scrapes two tables

I'm trying to, ultimately, scrape tables from several different URLs (within the same parent site) in R.

First, I assume I have to scrape the individual game links under "Playoff Series" from -- the xpath for that table of links is //*[@id="all_all_playoffs"]

then, I want to scrape tables from each of those individual game links (looks like this: -- the tables I want are the "basic box score stats" for each team.

(I plan on repeating this for several different years, so typing in each URL--like I do below--is not very efficient)

so far, I can only figure out how to scrape tables from one url (or one game) at a time:

games <- c("201705190BOS","201705190BOS","201705210CLE","201705230CLE","201705250BOS")
urls <- paste0("", games, ".html")
get_table <- function(url) {
  url %>%
    read_html() %>%
    html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="div_box_cle_basic"]/table[1]') %>% 
    html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="div_box_bos_basic"]/table[1]') %>%

results <- sapply(urls, get_table)


  • This works for me, give it a try!

    page <- read_html('')
    #get all links in the playoff section
    playoffs <- page %>%
      html_node('#div_all_playoffs') %>%
      html_nodes('a') %>%
    #limit to those that are actually links to boxscores
    playoffs <- playoffs[grep('boxscore', playoffs)]
    #loop to scrape each game
    allGames <- list()
    for(j in 1:length(playoffs)){
      box <- read_html(paste0('', playoffs[j]))
      #tables are named based on which team is there, get all html id's to find which one we want
      atrs <- box %>%
        html_nodes('div') %>%
      #limit to only names that include "basic" and "all"
      basicIds <- atrs[grep('basic', atrs)] %>%
        .[grep('all', .)]
      #loop to scrape both tables (1 for each team)
      teams <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(basicIds)){
        #grab table for team
        table <- box %>%
          html_node(paste0('#',basicIds[i])) %>%
          html_node('.stats_table') %>%
        #parse table into starters and reserves tables
        startReserve <- which(table[,1] == 'Reserves')
        starters <- table[2:(startReserve-1),]
        colnames(starters) <- table[1,]
        reserves <- table[(startReserve + 1):nrow(table),]
        colnames(reserves) <- table[startReserve,]
        #extract team name
        team <- gsub('all_box_(.+)_basic', '\\1', basicIds[i])
        #make named list using team name
        assign(team, setNames(list(starters, reserves), c('starters', 'reserves')))
        teams[[i]] <- team
      #find game identifier
      game <- gsub('/boxscores/(.+).html', '\\1', playoffs[j])
      #make list of both teams, name list using game identifier
      assign(paste0('game_',game), setNames(list(eval(parse(text=teams[[1]])), eval(parse(text=teams[[2]]))), c(teams[[1]], teams[[2]])))
      #add to allGames
      allGames <- append(allGames, setNames(list(eval(parse(text = paste0('game_', game)))), paste0('game_', game)))
    #clean up everything but allGames
    rm(list = ls()[-grep('allGames', ls())])

    The output is a list of lists. This isn't great, but the data you want is inherently hierarchical: each game has 2 teams and each team has 2 tables (starters and reserves). So, the final object looks like:









    ----Game2 ...

    For example, show the table with data on the starters for Cleveland in the last game of the final with:

    > allGames$game_201706120GSW$cle$starters
              Starters    MP FG FGA  FG% 3P 3PA  3P% FT FTA   FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS +/-
    2     LeBron James 46:13 19  30 .633  2   5 .400  1   4  .250   2  11  13   8   2   1   2  3  41 -13
    3     Kyrie Irving 41:47  9  22 .409  1   2 .500  7   7 1.000   1   1   2   6   2   0   4  3  26  +4
    4       J.R. Smith 40:49  9  11 .818  7   8 .875  0   1  .000   0   3   3   1   0   2   0  2  25  -2
    5       Kevin Love 29:55  2   8 .250  0   3 .000  2   5  .400   3   7  10   2   0   1   0  2   6 -23
    6 Tristan Thompson 29:52  6   8 .750  0   0       3   4  .750   4   4   8   3   1   1   3  1  15  -7