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How to check if a pixel is black using image.getRGB(x, y)

Should I expect the color of the pixel to be black if

image.getRGB(x, y) returns 0?

My assumption: I would expect 0 because the bit values of each of the values (Red, Green, Blue) would be zero. Am I correct in thinking this?


  • No, BufferedImage#getRGB() returns hex number. See this unit test:

    public class TestRgb {
      public void testBlack(){
        BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(1,1, TYPE_BYTE_BINARY);
        Graphics2D graphics2D = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
        graphics2D.setPaint(new Color(0,0,0)); //black
        // pass - alpha channel set by default, even on all black pixels
        // pass - when looking at just the color values (last 24 bits) the value is 0
        TestCase.assertTrue((bufferedImage.getRGB(0,0) & 0x00FFFFFF)==0);
        // fail - see above