This is my code for the getMin() method. I cannot get the method to enter the while loop.
public E getMin() {
Node<E> curr = header;
Node<E> min = curr;
E temporaryMinimum = header.getElement();
if (isEmpty()) {
return curr.getElement();
while (curr != null) {
if (curr.getElement() != null) {
if (temporaryMinimum.compareTo(curr.getElement()) > 0) {
min = curr;
temporaryMinimum = curr.getElement();
curr = curr.getNext();
return curr.getElement();
Looks like there is a bug/typo in your while loop. Try this instead (I also improved some minor aspects as well):
if (isEmpty()) { return null; }
Node<E> curr = header;
Node<E> min = curr;
E minElement = curr.getElement();
while (curr != null) {
if (curr.getElement() != null) {
if (minElement.compareTo(curr.getElement()) > 0) {
min = curr;
minElement = curr.getElement();
curr = curr.getNext();
return minElement;
In the general case, you can’t do better than a linear search even for doubly-linked lists ;)