I have created a framework in which I have used Set Browser Implicit Wait 30
I have 50 suite that contains total of 700 test cases. A few of the test cases (200 TC's) has steps to find if Element present and element not present. My Objective is that I do not want to wait until 30 seconds to check if Element Present or Element not Present. I tried using Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator} timeout=10
, expecting to wait only 10 seconds for the Element , but it wait for 30 seconds.
Question : Can somebody help with the right approach to deal with such scenarios in my framework? If I agree to wait until 30 seconds, the time taken to complete such test case will be more. I am trying to save 20*200 secs currently Please advise
The simplest solution is to change the implicit wait right before checking that an element does not exist, and then changing it back afterwards. You can do this with the keyword set selenium implicit wait.
For example, your keyword might look something like this:
*** Keywords ***
verify element is not on page
[Arguments] ${locator}
${old_wait}= Set selenium implicit wait 10
run keyword and continue on failure
... page should not contain element ${locator}
set selenium implicit wait ${old_wait}