I download Semantic Network Processor project: http://digital.cs.usu.edu/~vkulyukin/vkweb/software/snp/snp.html
and following it's read me, By using CLISP interpreter I change the directory to the folder, and do the following:
[3]> (load "snp-loader.lisp")
;; Loading file snp-loader.lisp ...
;; Loaded file snp-loader.lisp
[4]> (in-package "USER")
[5]> (snp-load-everything)
**- MAKE-PATHNAME: Illegal :DIRECTORY argument "D:\\snp-stable\\"**
The following restarts are available:
ABORT :R1 Abort main loop
can anybody tells me what's wrong or how I can fix it in order to make the project run?
In snp-loader.lisp, instead of directory-namestring
, you need to call pathname-directory
(defparameter parm-snp-load-dir
(pathname-directory *load-truename*))
But then another problem occurs later, when defining a method for expectations-on-token
. In c-snp-with-vars.lisp, the docstring is malformed, which triggers an error. Join both strings:
(defmethod expectations-on-token ((this-snp c-snp-with-vars) (tok t))
"Overloaded expectations-on-token to process variables and tests.
Get all expectations waiting for the token tok."
`(,@(find-static-expectations this-snp tok)
,@(find-dynamic-expectations this-snp tok)))
Reload the snp-loader.lisp file, and retry (snp-load-everything)
. It should load properly.
Edit. I contacted the original author; the latest version of the code is now hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/VKEDCO/AI/tree/master/NL/SNP.