I have precipitation data from the PRISM Climate Group which are now offered in .bil format (ESRI BIL, I think) and I'd like to be able to read these datasets with Python.
I've installed the spectral package, but the open_image()
method returns an error:
def ReadBilFile(bil):
import spectral as sp
b = sp.open_image(bil)
IOError: Unable to determine file type or type not supported.
The documentation for spectral clearly says that it supports BIL files, can anyone shed any light on what's happening here? I am also open to using GDAL, which supposedly supports the similar/equivalent ESRI EHdr format, but I can't find any good code snipets to get started.
It's now 2017 and there is a slightly better option. The package rasterio supports bil files.
>>>import rasterio
>>>tmean = rasterio.open('PRISM_tmean_stable_4kmD1_20060101_bil.bil')
Affine(0.041666666667, 0.0, -125.0208333333335,
0.0, -0.041666666667, 49.9375000000025)
>>> tmean.crs
CRS({'init': 'epsg:4269'})
>>> tmean.width
>>> tmean.height
>>> tmean.read().shape
(1, 621, 1405)