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Change css on Multi language website

I made a double language website using angular 4 and ngx-translate. one rtl and the other one ltr. How can I change the direction of text and text alignment on language change?

I cant use because I don't know how to change this attribute in angular.

html:lang(en) h1{
    text-align: left;

Any way I can target each language in style.css??


  • What you need to modify in order to convert a left-to-right stylesheet to a right-to-left one:

    • Change html tag so it becomes <html dir="rtl">. This sets the base direction for the whole document to be right-to-left.

    • Modify margin values when margin-left and margin-right of some element are not equal. The same applies for padding.

    • Change the values of position properties: left and right. For example: left: 200px on some element in a ltr document becomes right: 200px in a rtl document.

    After that, take a look at the page, and see if you need any additional minor modifications like box-shadow, text-shadow, etc.


    You can use CSSJanus to do the second and third steps above for you. However, you will need to do the <html> step yourself.

    For more information

    Visit this page from W3C, which answers the question:

    How should I use the dir attribute and related markup to set text direction on structural elements in HTML?